Sunday, June 2, 2024

And then God said to the man and woman in Genesis 1:26-31 the following words.

“‘, Be fruitful, and multiply, and have babies yet do not murder babies through abortions of any sort  or through the tying of a woman’s tubes on earth,but rather replenish the

 earth ...,.."''"'

On that note I begin this blog website with the following.

Just for the appropriate sake of record note the following """:

 I never met a prostitute who truly cared about anyone but themselves. 

In fact I’ve actually known some prostitutes who killed children for money. 

And incredibly, in discussions I’ve had with ladies of the night?

 I’ve even heard groups of prostitutes boast to me that they hate Jesus and would rather fornicate for money then go to church and be a sincere Christian. 

 Finally , while I was walking with two athiest prostitutes once?

M Trying to tell them about Jesus?

 While we were walking passed a church one of them spit on a statue of Jesus Christ hill the other cursed the name of Christ to my face. 

 And then both of them cursed me for trying to tell them that Jesus could save them from a life of wild passionate fornicating for money. 

 They both laughed at that and they both told me that they enjoyed fornicating wildly for money and Jesus could go to hell.

 Those were their words to me. And other prostitutes I met in this life did even weirder more evil things. So? So? 

 So, I’m just saying. Anybody here realize that. ? Most prostitutes are deceptive and don’t give a rats ass about anyone but themselves.

 And most prostitutes would callously kill sincere people for even a measly dime to support their devilish drug habits too. 

 On the other hand ? Robert pickton was a farmer who fed thousands of people yearly through farming.

 And he was even quoted in an interview as saying he would never kill a decent church going lady. But prostitutes who do nothing but shit on everyone around them?

 Those people rob didn’t care about. Hey. I’m just quoting some facts to you people. 

In connection to what Jesus warns humans of in Luke 6:26?

I marvel that most people can't see or acknowledge such obvious truths I'm.writing here:

In all reality?

Self righteous

People who condemn Robert Pickton for honoring what Christianitys Holy ghost and Jesus both  say to humans on such a matter  

in connection to oooo say 1st Corinthians 6:18 , Matthew 5:17-20 ,, 1st Samuel 15:3-33 and Deuteronomy 25:3 of Christianity ,  for example?

It's totally obvious such prostitutes would kill anyone of them  for even a dime.

But Robert Pickton would probably help any of the people who condemn rob for doing what the Christian Bible says your supposed to do in regards to  fornicating prostitutes who put everything above Jesus and teach children to do wickedness.


In alignment to Matthew 18:7 and mark 9:42 for example:

Many of such people whom I'm sure, have deliberately mercilessly willingly horrifically  murdered human enfants through both abortion pills and also through abortions.

All their lives:

Something Robert Pickton probably never wickedly hypocritically did .

So these people murder little baby human enfants willingly devilishly  through callous  abortions and deadly  birth control pills mercilessly hypocritically over and over for the sake of perverse sexual pleasures their whole lives here on earth in this existence and then have the full to judge Robert Pickton for honoring what Christianitys Holy ghost says through Saint Pau and through l in both mark 3'29'''and  Matthew 5:17 as well as in 1st Corinthians 6:18:...

In connection to what Jesus warns all of in this life in Luke 12:1-3 for example so 

on that note?

Whose the real monsters here?

In regards to this case?


So perhaps  the words of Jesus located in Luke 6:26 of Christianity have new even more factual  meaning regarding this present existence


In fact?

Obviously that's the case:

Obvious truths which no one from this era of mankind today properly acknowledge.

Pure and simple.

You can listen to such facts or throw such facts out the window. So to speak.

 But regardless, me? I speak facts. Period

Now, on that note? In connection to the words of Jesus Christ located in both Matthew 10:26-27 and likewise Luke 6:26 of Christianity’s sacred scriptures?

Now , on that note?

Just for the appropriate sake of record?

Now let’s note one of The Secret diary’s of one of Robert picktons gloriously wonderous super righteous victims in this peculiar  life.

In connection to what Jesus Christ states to all humanity in Luke 6:26 of Christianity so here now is a

A sweet and alarmingly terratrially beautiful Diary of one of Robert picktons gloriously righteous victims …

In this life.

Worded as follows.

To all humanity today.

Please note the following.

Just for the appropriate sake of record I would like to make the following information clear in writing.

Just so people are aware.

For the record,,,

I enjoy callously mercilessly self righteously murdering little human babies in private ,,,behind closed doors secretly ,,, in the sensual luxurious comforts of my own home,,, in  exchange for sexually deviant pleasures galore performed upon me,,, while I , of course ,,infinitely reign  above the sinfully deranged instructions of Christianity’s Holy Ghost addressed to humans obviously in Luke 12:1-3…of Christianity’s scriptures…

Aw yes.
And, by way of Matthew 24:20-24,,,and mark 8:35 of christs psychotic words to humans in this life, 
The more I teach little children to fornicate wildly for money on christs sabbath day,, and the more I refuse to rest on Jesus christs idiotic sabbath day,and the more I mock christs ridiculous sabbath day, by fornicating wildly for money on christs sabbath day , the happier I am in this flesh I dwell in , in this life.

As ,,, in connection to mark 9:42 of Christianity,,,

I , as a gloriously righteous working devilish woman prostitute,  in this life,, gloriously devilishly righteously teach little children all around me  to fornicate wildly forever and ever like I do  in this beautifully devilish life.

So obviously I’m gloriously righteous for murdering and  aborting and killing 
human babies because it gives me devilish sexual pleasures galore in this life.

Which is why the words of  Christianity’s Holy Ghost spoken through Saint Paul in 1st Corinthians 6:18 are evil sinful words.

As honorable devilishly gloriously righteous female  prostitutes like me rank infinitely above the devilish instructions of Christianity’s Holy Ghost spoken by Saint Paul in 1st Corinthians 6:18.
Can’t you idiots on earth all around me see this?


for sex I kill babies.

 Because I enjoy the sexual pleasures.

Especially due to the following information addressed.

Birth control pills kill human  babies wonderously and mercilessly tear human babies to pieces in a mothers womb .
It’s probably painfully worse 
for a baby then a regular abortion is.

According to ancient Christian documents.

Because it’s spreads painful poison around the womb where the baby is first.

And then the pills begin to mercilessly annihilate the fetus.

This excites me!

WOE my yes:’”””””

The preceding document was written for humanity by one of Robert picktons gloriously righteous victims and is included here as a testament to all to how gloriously righteous such holy prostitutes are.

In this life.

Rob on the other hand honoured the Holy Spirit of Christianity’s words in Matthew 5:17-20 and psalm one and also compassionately  fed people 
through hard work in farming.

Unknown to most people so rob fed hungry Christian’s secretly.

Yet devils who try to hide the truth of Christianity’s scriptures attached to Luke 6:26 of Christianity hide that truthful fact from humanity in this life…

And  in connection to 2nd Peter 1:19-21'''rob honored the words of Christianitys Holy ghost located in 1st Corinthians 6:18 spoken through Saint Paul too, too regarding Devils who  fornicate wildly in front of everyone on the Christian Sabbath day.

So by way of what jesus says in Luke 6:26 obviously rob was evil in this life and all the devilishly gloriously righteous prostitutes who visited his farm in order to try to break Gods commandments by stealing  from rob and all the fornicating women who visited his farm to wickedly try to talk rob into fornicating wildly before marriage are righteous glories in this life before Jesus Christ!

As James 2:10-11 warn all in this life!

Woe my yes!

I close this post with this now"""'.

In connection to Luke 4:4 ,  2nd Peter 1:19-21 and mark 3:29', so,,", 2nd Timothy 2:15 in Christianity  says this to mortals in this life.

"""''Yet in connection to Genesis 3:22'"mortal women will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety'""""

Which means just for the appropriate sake of record likewise that  it's sinful hypocrisy for a woman to have her tubes tied in order to mock what Christianitys Holy ghost states to humanity in both 2nd Timothy 2:15 and genesis 1:26-31.

Obviously that statement is accurate.

In connection to this.

As Jesus warns all in Matthew 5:17-20 so through the warning of Christianity’s Holy Ghost in Jeremiah 48:10, 
Numbers 25:7 says what exactly?
It says the holy man and holy priest
 phineas slaughtered a John and his wild sexy and nude fornicating devilish female prostitute lover because they loved money and sex above Jesus.

And The bible says God praised and loved and honoured phineas for spearing the two wild fornicators with a deadly spear!

Because by way of 2nd Peter 1;19-21, those two sexy fornicators passionately  mocked the words of Christianity’s Holy Ghost spoken through saint James in James 2;10-11 of Christianity!

Woe my yes!!!



That said, I now begin this blog  website in the spirit of Jesus Christ.

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