Saturday, June 22, 2024

Simple teachings of Christianity attached to Matthew 5:17.

Summarizing this existence through images videos and words:

To the reader: a suggestion.

Here is a video attached immediately below to watch 

Entitled Manipulations being performed in the original set space time continuum of Christ: as an introduction to this specific web site. Which I have addressed for humanity in this life.

In connection with the following.

I’m of the opinion a person should wait til their 18 to have sex. It’s just my humble opinion. That’s just me. 

 Yet that said? I feel the following information should still be addressed . Because if one does not address the following information? It would be deceitful and deceptive to not address what I am about to address. 

 Anybody in their right mind with a brain that operates above the level of a terrestrial ostrich could see that truth.

 Which is why I’m forced to address this information. Worded as follows. On the subject of this video? 

Let’s now call a spade a spade by stating the following factual information. Worded in this manner. 

 theirs also the fact Christianity teaches humanity that the biblical men “‘ David and hezekiah “‘ we’re both righteous before Christ and God for sleeping with 14 year olds. 

 And Malachi 3:6 and hebrews 13:4 both say What God prefers people to do never changes. Because God and Jesus never change. Ever. 

 Yes. In fact Christianity’s God and actually Christianity’s Godhead, including Christianity’s all divine Holy Ghost all warn humans that Christianity’s Holy Godhead states a biblical man named David was so righteous before Jesus Christ in this life that David is considered one of the most righteous mortals of all time! 

 Yet human history and Christianity both confirm factually that the biblical man David was actually a chomo technically speaking in this life. Who slept with and had mad passionate sex with 14 year old young ladies. 

 ðŸ¤¡ So the question is this. Why does Christianity teach humans that “‘ David is considered one of the most righteous mortals ever if human history and also Christianity both teach humans that David was a chomo in this life? 

 Christianity’s scriptures say that David only made one mistake in this life. Before God and before Christ. And that was in the matter of sleeping with uriahs wife “‘ Bathsheba.”

’ ApArt from that ? Christianity teaches everyone that David was totally righteous before Jesus and before God and before Christianity’s all divine Holy Ghost. So?

 The question is? I can’t begin to imagine what you think the question to that statement is? Here? What do you think I’m going to ask here? On that note? Let me see now? Hold on? 

 Let me think ? What do you think the question to that statement is? 

 Jesus and Christianity’s all divine Holy Ghost are sinless according to Christianity.

 Immaculately. In fact. Over all beings. And Christianity’ teaches clearly that the lord Jesus Christ and Christianity’s all divine Holy Ghost both consider David to be one of the most righteous mortals who ever walked the planet earth.

 Christianity does teach that to everyone in this life. Yet Christianity also teaches everyone in this life that David was a chomo who slept with 14 year old young ladies. 

 So if it’s factually clear both the lord Jesus and Christianity’s Holy Ghost both approve of the biblical man David according to every fact related to such a subject in this life and it’s also clear according to human facts in this life that David was a chomo then that would obviously clearly mean that the lord Jesus Christ and Christianity’s all divine sinless Holy Ghost are both chomos!

 Oooh? Yet Christianity also teaches humanity that the lord Jesus and Christianity’s Holy Ghost are totally immaculately sinless in this life. So? Wait now. Hold on. Let me think now? How does one proceed with that statement. 

 Because that statement is factual in this life. The facts of this existence confirm that to be totally factual. Wtf? So? What’s that mean? 

Then theirs also the fact it’s common knowledge in Christian circles likewise that Christianity also teaches humans that the Christian God and Christianity’s Holy Ghost both willed a 40 year old biblical man named Joseph to get married to the mother of jesus‘’Mary,’

when Mary was only 12 years of age in this life too. So what’s that mean? If God and Christianity’s ALL Divine Holy Ghost willed a 40 year old biblical man named Joseph to marry the mother of Jesus when Mary was only 12 are humans on earth today going to slander the sinless Christian Father of Jesus Christ and Christianity’s Holy Ghost for willing joesph to Marry ‘’Mary’ at only 12 years of age? 

 I believe that’s a good question that most people in this time frame of humanity foolishly ignore. God never changes .

 As Malachi 3:6 and Hebrews 13:8 warn all. So? If God and Jesus never change their views on how and what they order humans to do in this life then that is a matter which mere humans need to ask themselves in this life.

 As it’s God who judges humans at the end of their lives in this existence. For good or evil works committed. Right?

 I’m just saying. Most Humans in this day and age are missing something here. I’m not trying to justify evil people. I’m just saying that humans are missing something here.

 In this subject. From a stand point that reflects God and Jesus. Who are both sinless. Mortals are not sinless. God is. So mortals today are wise therefore to think about what was just said . Obviously. On that note. 

 Every fact applied to this topic confirms that statement to be thoroughly correct. 

 That’s entirely obvious. Pure and simple.

Truth can be stranger then fiction is in this life on that note.

Due mostly to the fact , ‘for mortals’”evil gods , goddesses and devilish deity’s presently control this specific created existence in alignment to genesis 3:22, 2nd Corinthians 4:4, Luke 1:37 and revelation 16:13-14 in every facet of this specific existence made by high ranking deity’s in this life .

Such information attached to such a video goes hand in hand with this information attached here…


That said?

In connection to what Christianity states to all creation in this life in 2nd kings 17:25-37 and Matthew 5:17-20 so,,, I now begin this blog website in this manner addressed.

With the following totally obvious  rationally addressed Christian statements.

Worded as follows.

 Matthew 8:4 of Christianity was never difficult to honor.

Humanity for the majority just simply choose to mock christs instructions in matthew 8:4 in favour of total wickedness.

For the near majority in this life.

In alignment to what Christianity states to humans in 2nd kings 17:25-37.


The same can be said for Luke 2:24-25.

In connection to Matthew 5:17-20 as well as psalm one of Christianity.

Which is why Galatian’s 2:16 is written obviously.

Regarding no man being justified by keeping the works of the laws of Christ and Moses.


Yet just because a human is not justified by God for obeying Gods simple mosaic laws that does not mean a human has the right to throw christs laws connected to Roman’s 3:31 out their windows so to speak.


Yet Jesus knows a persons heart.

Jesus is not fooled by hypocrites who are devilishly self righteously pretentious to what Jesus says to humanity in this life  in Matthew 5:17-20 specifically.

Keeping christs laws in this life are easy.

The problem with that is humans for the majority are devils in this life.

And for the majority humans do not give a crap about what Jesus says in Matthew 5:17-20.

Barring a few previous human Christian’s in this life.

Which directly applies to what Christ signals to in Matthew 7:13-14 of Christianity in this life  obviously .

Because the keeping of the full laws of Christ require a group of people keeping christs laws in unity.

As the prophet salathiel informs humans in this link.

Meaning 2nd esdras chapters three and four.

Or 2nd esdras 4: 36.


Because God realized that the majority of humans are untrustworthy self righteous complete sinful assholes in this existence , God changed the way humans may attain salvation in Christ in this life by way of the simple functions attached to only one part of christs mosaic laws.

Which is obviously exodus 20:3-17 or deuteronomy five.

Regarding  salvation coming to humans in this life through both a belief in Christ and the keeping of christs Ten simple kept decent Commandments …

Which biblical truth intertwines both 1st Timothy 1:9-10 and likewise  James 2:10-11 fully.

I now close this post with this:

The narrator says theirs no one like Russell Johnson. 

No one like him. He a complete rarity. Really? Is that right? Has this lady evaluated true crime? At all?

 Their are so many cases even in criminal books of people who have done way worse crimes then Johnson in the history of even Canada alone over the last one hundred years that it would perhaps take this lady narrator a year to go through every case properly. 

 And theirs way more to this sordid callous mendacious nonsense then , not just this lady narrator , but also most earthly authorities are willing to admit to. 

 The question is why? Why do most earthly authorities tend to not acknowledge that obvious factual truth I just wrote there. When such a stated truth is factual. Because I know what I just wrote is true. I did my research. That’s irrefutably factual. 

MWhat I just said. Why are most earthly authorities not acknowledging such an obvious truth? That’s the real question I’m curious about at this conjecture in time in human history. Is it possible that Einstein suspicions on time travel are correct? 

 Connected to 2nd Peter 3;7-17 and 2nd Corinthians 4;4 of Christianity? 2nd Corinthians 4;4 connected to Matthew 4:4-9 and Luke 1:37 would seem to indicate factually that most present worldly authorities are coyly hiding the obvious fact they have mastered various forms of time travel. 

 Through modern technology. Christianity’s prophesies connected to revelation 16:13-14 and modern technology on earth presently clearly imply that such information I address here is accurate. 

 It’s either ‘“that is true,,, or Christianity’s Holy Ghost, by way of 2nd Peter 1:19-21 and Luke 14:33 whole,,,clearly sinfully pathetically devilishly lies to mere humans on earth presently in this life in regards to what Christianity states to humanity in this life in 2nd Peter 3;7-17 , and 2nd Esdras 14;13-17. 

 So option A? Christianity’s Holy Ghost speaks truth in such scriptures? And is sinless. While most present deceitful self righteous inhabitants on earth are presently callously using various alchemical forms of modern technology to pretend their gloriously righteous above everything Christianity’s Holy Ghost says everywhere through christs prophets in this life connected to 2nd Peter 1;19-21. And Matthew 7;16-23. 

 That’s option A, Or option B to what is discussed here is simply this. 

 By way of Luke 1:37 it’s not possible for devilish Gods to make time travel possible for mortals and evil deity’s in this life presently , contrary to what Christianity’s Holy Ghost warns all humans in Luke 1;37 and in reality earthly authorities on earth presently are infinitely holy above the lies of Christianity’s Holy Ghost spoken to all earthlings in this life in alignment to 2nd Peter 3:7-17 and 2nd Peter 1:19-21. In other words?

 Earths present earthly authorities are sinless glories infinitely above Christianitys Holy Ghost and above Jesus christs words spoken to humanity in this life in the Christian scriptures. In Luke 14:33, Luke 21:36, Matthew 7:13-23 as well as every other statement Jesus ever made to mankind in this life. 

 Well? Pardon me for not accepting option b to such a topic I just addressed at this interval in time in human history. Eliminate every other possibility ? And the obvious is this.

 Most earthly authority figures have mastered time travel in todays age. Through 2nd Corinthians 4:4, Luke 1;37, revelation 16;13-14 , modern technology and an idiotic god named Satan .

 Presently in this life. And through such a devilish invention most earthly authorities are playing devilish hypocritical deceitful games with other inhabitants of earth presently at this time in human history. 

 When all the facts of such a situation are analysed closely. That’s exactly what’s happening here on earth presently. And I prove that truth in many areas of this life now. Here. In these links. 


 Which is what a divine being who ranks above a god named jehovah would do.

 In this life.

 As through Christianity’s Holy Ghost, Nostradamus gives warning to all created beings in this life regarding me in c5q79 of his prophesies addressed to humanity in this existence too. So , on that note? In summary?

 In many facets of life presently in this existence?

 this lady narrating this video? In plain linguistics? By way of Luke 6;26 of Christianity? 

 She needs to get her facts straight. And in proper order. In other words?

 She’s not analyzing all the facts of such a subject honestly and truthfully. Pure and Simple.

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First off? Regarding the following blog website? First off? First and foremost? On this video here? First off? I'm gonna say something. ...