Thursday, April 18, 2024

Summarizing serious subjects truthfully with obviously addressed FACTS in this present formation of this existence

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Summarizing this website this blog website willsummarizievarious relevant subjects of this life for all humanity through images ,,, videos and words serious subjects truthfully with obviously addressed FACTS in this present formation of this existence

An idiot in a car today got angry with me for riding my bicycle on the side of the road instead of on the sidewalk.

He screamed wildly at me to be cool Ike him and teach children to sinfullypollute earth and kill Mother Earth with a car.

I said to him that  I didn’t really want to kill Mother Earth with a car .

He said “‘ why not?’

I told him further generations might not like it if they can’t breath due to assholes like him destroying our environment through man made shitty inventions like cars.

He said, “‘ who cares if younger people have to suffer due to his idiocy in driving a car.

As long as he was happy he didn’t give a fuck about later generations.

I told him I wasn’t surprised that a goofy idiot like him put worthless piece of shit cars above the welfare of others and above the welfare of an entire planet.

Now this isn’t to say that humans can’t drive cars a safe way.

Humans could.

Through laser light go green automobiles.

The problem with that statement though is that most self righteous proud deliberatelygoofy idiots who drive cars in todays world do not give a rats ass about Mother Earths welfare or the welfare of other people🦋

Because most people on earth today who drive cars and place cars above what Jesus says in psalm one today are total deliberate assholes who obviously don’t give a fuck about the decent Ten Commandments of Jesus .

Aligning Matthew 19:17’.

And they clearly do not give a hoot about anyone anyone but themselves.

For the majority I’ve noticed that

Worthless devils are what most people who drive gasoline run cars literally  are.

And their actions and words prove their devilish assholes in every facet of life in this existence.

That’s totally true.

By way of what Jesus warns humans in this life of in Matthew 7;16-23 connected to Luke 6:45-46, 

Just look
Closely at what such assholes say and do.
In their every day lives through works and words to thoroughly confirm the accuracy of that obviously true statement just addressed there in writing….
That is true.

Aw yes.

Pure and simple.

Humans , including nations on earth ,,who deliberately make their own wicked corrupt idiotic laws on earth, and mock what Christianity’s Holy Ghost says through Jesus Christ in Matthew 5:17-20, are absolute hypocrites.

At any conjecture in time in human history.

Including this time period of man…

And hypocrisy has no value at all before jesus Christ.

As job 8:13, isiah 9:17 and Matthew 24:51 all warn humans on earth today…

The problem with that statement addressed is that most people on earth presently are doing just that in deliberate unneccacary sinful defiance of everything Christianity’s Holy Ghost compassionately teaches humans in this life in connection to Matthew 5:17-20.

Christs simple laws are not difficult to keep.

The problem with that statement though is that most humans on earth obviously hate christs simple laws and prefer riches and possessions and  satanic inventions of idiotic destructions galore over the impeccable sound decent holy teachings of Christ located for humans in Matthew 5:17-20’””.

Now on that note?

Just for the appropriate sake of record?

In obvious connection to the totally simple instructions  Jesus Christ teaches humans to follow in both Matthew 6:33 and Luke 4:4 of Christianity entirely so 
Literally speaking 

I actually  gave all devilish humans of this era of mankind   Very  simple instructions on how to save Mother Earth herself  and at the same time  honor christs simple laws addressed in Matthew 5:17-20’and 2nd kings 17:25-37 that basically even a mentally retarded howler monkey with the brain capacity of a terrestrial ostrich could have literally followed.

Even in the midst of man made modern transport inventions .

Such as planes trains and automobiles…
Through laser light technology.

Instead of through filthy gasoline run devilish transport inventions.

In all actuality.

Literally speaking.

Yet, in deliberately wicked hypocritical sinful deliberately idiotic defiance of every totally sane rational and decent holy instruction I gave this era of  humanity on such a simple subject addressed , humans today in devilish unison for the majority opted for basically countless hypocritical sinful modern technological corruptions galore over every decent instruction I gave humanity on such a subject.

So humans today in basic totally sinful totally evil callous self righteous idiotic sinful unison devilishly retardedly opted , infinitely hypocritically””” for totally infinite deliberate hypocrisies galore , regarding modern transport inventions, that all humans today clearly sinfully  held as precious above everything Jesus Christ teaches humans in this life.

And basically all humanity today devilishly totally idiotically  sinfully committed such grievous eternal hypocritical sins joyfully and deliberately in defiance of what Christianity warns humans of in hebrews 6:4-6 and the first epistle of John 2;15-17 and in total idiotic willingly  ridiculous absolute  defiance too of everything sane and rational in a decent Christian consensus  in this life…

And then incredibly?

At the same time that the near majority of all humanity today actually ridiculously totally idiotically , callously committed such totally idiotic deliberate unforgivable eternal transgressions and ridiculous obviously  eternal  sins which clearly idioticallyunforgivably mock what Christianity’s Holy Ghost says to all humanity in this life  in hebrews 6:4-6 specifically , ?

The same Idiots today for the majority complained to me that While I was riding a bicycle and , trying to save Mother Earth in riding a bicycle I was in the way of their totally unforgivable devilishly cursed hypocritical cars , that mercilessly destroy Mother Earth for no rational reason.

And so , because I wasn’t in a devilish car teaching human children how to wickedly hypocritically sinfully idiotically destroy Mother Earth , like such idiots today, I needed to be rebuked and for that they became threatening .

And then they said I needed to be killed.

Because I wasn’t killing Mother Earth .

like they do.

In connection to their defiance of Christianity’s warnings spoken to humans in both hebrews 10:26-27 and Matthew 18:7.


The ultimate crime therefore was what I was committing  according to such totally cursed obviously deliberately unforgivably hypocritical idiotic sinful devils who deliberately sinfully obviously unforgivably hypocritically drive cars on earth today.

And some of earths present devilish inhabitants who drove  such modern technological devilishly screwy cars under such idiotic ridiculous circumstances said I had  to ridiculously die for trying to save Mother Earth by riding a bicycle in such a matter.
And I had to die, according to such idiots , because I was not teaching human children how to destroy Mother Earth through cars  like they do.


This is quite a crazy Scenario on earth presently.

I obviously presently got a pack of totally sinful completely idiotic self righteous cursed devilish hypocrites  complaining to me that I’m doing the right thing by riding a bicycle.

Thisdevilishly enrages such fucking obviously deliberate sinful cursed assholes , who obviously devilishly idiotically sinfully ridiculously imbecilically  love cars and other forms of devilish evil technology above everything Jesus properly stands for in this existence presently.

By way of the devilish  works and idiotic words of such deliberately devilish idiots on earth, it’s totally obvious the majority of mankind today worship devilishly evil hypocritical cars and other forms of devilish modern technology above everything Christ stands for in decency in this life.

For example
If such goofs knew a cyclist would die if the cars they devilishly run continued running?

Devilish people today who obviously put cars and other forms of modern devilish technology above Jesus in all counts in this life ,would clearly break commandment six , infinitely gladly in order to kill a good person who rides a bicycle presently on earth.

That’s irrefutably obvious in connection to what Christianity warns humans of in Matthew 19;17 connected to James 2;10-11 for example.

 just so such devilish humans on earth today could keep their devilish cars hypocritically running .
And also  just 
So Mother Earth can suffer some more agony due to the running of their devilish cars . 


And the running of  their other ridiculously hypocritical modern devilish technology’s too.

Regarding the majority of earths present totally sinful devilishly idiotic hypocritical inhabitants.


That’s infinite hypocrisy in countless ways obviously  on the part of basically nearly all humanity today.

That’s totally and completely obvious , that’s what the majority of earths self righteous proud arrogant devilish sinful humans are doing!

Clearly that’s what’s happening here!

Against my holy will!
Connected to my true identity in this life attached to Christianitys scriptures located in both 2nd Esdras 7:29-32 of Christianity and c5q79 of the prophesies of Christianity attached to Nostradamus in this life likewise.


On that note ?

I have a question.

How do I proceed with such total sinful imbecilic idiocy’s galore being deliberately performed on the part of basically all totally  sinfully idiotic inhabitants of earth.

Presently in this formation of this existence.

Regarding humanity today.


How do I proceed with such a problem.

In order to stop mother earths sufferings in such a matter too.


Aw yes.

Or in connection to Matthew 18:7 and hebrews 6:4-6 for example so

By way of the two testimonial warnings of Christianity’s scriptures attached to both isiah 9;17 and Matthew 24;51 

What do I now say to such total deliberately hypocritical self righteous cursed hypocrites on earth today?

On that note?

Who deliberately unforgivably  sin deliberately in such a matter continually on that note.

I’m just curious.

What do I say?


You know what?

I’ll say this.

On that note.

To such deliberate evil unforgivable goofy devilish total hypocritical idiots I now say this.

You know?

No wonder Jesus speaks the words that Jesus speaks through Christianity’s Holy Ghost in Matthew 7:13-23.

On that note.

And no wonder Christianity’s Holy Ghost says through saint Peter that 2nd Peter 3:7-17 is factual on such a subject.

In connection to oooo say 2nd Esdras 13 and 2nd Esdras 7:29-32.

Of Christianity.

For example.



Words spoken in Christianity veridical veracious veracity.

In full.


A picture of the last part of

the old London Ontario canadas 1973 version of the LPH or London

psychiatric hospital. Torn down completely in October 2023.

It is the words of this blog that matter.
To the readers therefore:

Read the words 
of this blog website if you wish to learn logical things.
That is if the reader can read..
Pure and simple .

The following link addresses a specific important concept in Christianity which is why I place it here as an introduction to this blog website.

To the reader.
Please note the following.
In images as well as in  videos and with wonderous sweet completely veridical words
The following blog  website for all humanity today gives an appropriate summary of all the relevant facts of this existence, without any deceit.forwarded.

 truthfully And properly.

Before, in connection to both 2nd Peter 1:19-21 and likewise c5q41 of the prophesies of Nostradamus,  the spiritually sweet sensationally supranational wildly wonderous functions of Nostradamus proposed by Christianity’s Holy Ghost , through Nostradamus come to pass for all humanity and all creation to in fact in this existence.

Now, on that note I feel it correct to say this before the commencement of this blog website.
I suppose it’s nice and wonderous for humans on earth presently that images and videos exist on earth for humans.
And Jesus does say in both Luke 12:1-3 and Matthew 5:17-20 connected to Leviticus 19:35-37 that true Christian’s, when on earth,give appropriate fair summaries of all of this life’s relevant matters , regarding subjects that are present and at a persons disposal when on earth.

And it is for that reason that I include videos and likewise images I’ve discovered frequently on the World Wide Web for that reason.

Some which may be controversial to some people on earth.

Yet Jesus commands humans to do this in Luke 12:1-3 of Christianity.
And Ephesians 5:11 of Christianity in summary says if humans wish to stop evil on earth then humans are to expose evil on earth.
And on the same subject?
In connection to what Christianity tells humanity in 2nd Peter 1:19-21?
Christianity’s Holy Ghost warns all creation in this life through psalm 149:5-9 and Jude 1:14 that many saints of Christ  in this life martyred as young as 5 to 11 years in age will eventually strip naked bind and then torture and rule over many human adult sinners in pending forth coming Christian prophesies connected to this specific life .

Psalm 149:5-9 , revelation 14: Jude one and the book of Enoch all warn humans that saints as young as five years in age will strip human adult sinners buck naked , place them on leashes on earth and then parade such sinful adults everywhere on this planet.

After c4q97 of the prophesies of Christianity’s Holy Ghost spoken through Nostradamus comes to pass for all creation in this life.
In connection to 2nd Peter 1;19-21 of Christianity so
Christianity’s Holy Ghost does make that scriptural statement clear for all creation in this life.

So ?
On that note?
that clearly obviously means that Jesus Christ approves of 5 year old saints of his stripping adult human hypocritical sinners buck naked in public in the wide open and then binding and whipping such Devilish human sinners in front of everyone.
Christianity’ does make that clear.


On that note?
The writer of this website is a Christian.
And I’m not above Jesus in authority in Christianity in this life.

If Jesus and Christianity’s Holy Ghost both state that , that is to be the case in this life then who am I to oppose Christ in that regard.

In order to stop evil on earth you expose evil.

And in order to stop evil on earth you strip devils stark naked of clothing and rights.

In connection to isiah 20;2-4.

Says Jesus.


So, let the readers of this website be warned therefore that this website does not oppose Jesus or Christianity’s Holy Ghost on such matters.
In connection to Luke 6:26 of Christianity’s scriptures for example?
Aw yes.
Luke 6:26 is a grand Christian quotation from Christian scripture to use as an example of this present subject addressed at this conjecture in time in this website.
So therefore some controversial 
 images and videos will probably play a part in this website therefore.
On that note.
Let the readers of this website be warned of that statement ahead of time.

Yet, nevertheless, just for the appropriate sake of record? To the readers of this blog website.

Be aware of the following.

Which is.

, if that wasn’t the case?

I would never have used images or videos in addressing these Christian truths i speak in this website to humanity in these words I write here.

At all.
Be it known to all who read this website , I originally penned  the information and specifically the words addressed in this website without images or videos present .


On 1800 pages of leaflet paper and then, after that penning was accomplished , I then scanned such penned writings onto the internet on a website entitled 

That website used no controversial images and no controversial videos to address the truth of Jesus Christ to humanity .

Just plain simple decent  Christian words .

And do you know what the founders of the website entitled live told me in writing after I downloaded such decent Christian manuscripts to their website?

The manufacturer’s and founders of the live journal .com website program informed me that my writings located on live were too Christian based.

And my writings on live glorified the name of Jesus too widely and toomuch.

Without giving enough devilish  glory to other issues on earth.

Such as Satan for example.

People who read my words on that site complained apparently that my words were too Christian based.

So because live journal manufacturers wanted to please everyone they banned my decent words that totally glorified Jesus Christ and that had no controversial images or videos on it.

How nice .

So that is why I went to this blog format instead.

In addressing the truths of Jesus in this life to humans.

And that too is why I choose to then honor the words of Jesus in Luke 12:1-3 by including controversial  images and videos on these blog websites I have addressed to humans on the World Wide Web here.

Just for the appropriate sake of record.

Now, that said?

I now begin this websites written contents.

The following blog website will give to humanity in this age  an  appropriate summary of all the relevant facts of this existence.

That is the purpose of this site.

Evaluating facts attached to this existence which most humans inappropriately ignore.

In this life.

In images videos and words.

When such facts in this existence should not be ignored but rather properly evaluated.

As even Jesus Christ gives humans warning to evaluate and properly sincerely summarize all serious facts and subjects in this life in connection to Matthew 5:17-20.

As Leviticus 19:35-37 clearly states.

Such as, why does Christianity teach or rather warn humanity that most humans lived to be around a thousand years old for the first two thousand years of this specific existence humans dwell in at the moment in particular?

What Jesus speaks to all humanity in 
John 6:63 ?

That statement in Christian scripture is quite literally obviously the answer to that specific  question mark for all humanity in this life.


If Gods spirit wishes a human to remain looking young in appearance then Christ or God are able to do that apparently.

Even more then angels who take on human form too.

As hebrews 13:2, and 2nd Corinthians 11:13-15 warn humans in this life.
Or, here’s another good question most humans do not rationally discuss or ask themselves.
Which is this.
If, by way of exodus 22:28 and psalm 97:7 of Christianity, if the gods and goddesses addressed by the historian homer do not truly exist in homers writing entitled the Iliad in this present life humans dwell in, then, why do libraries on earth list such a book as non fiction on earth?

For the record  those are subjects also appropriately logically explained in this website.
Obviously that is a subject in this life that humans should monitor.


Which is why I include that subject in the  journals of this site too.
With other serious subjects for humanity in this life.
In various places.

That is something I wish to emphasize here and now.

This is why I include all this information in written form and dialogue and attach it here to this blog website.

Now , that said?

Let’s begin with this information.


Regarding this website 

I will now begin the various topics of this blog website  with this statement on that note.
The Christian Bible and human history both say that the biblical man David is considered gloriously righteous by God Himself.
Everlastingly actually.

Davids actually considered a saint in all christian circles.

Yet human history and the Christian Bible also say that king David had  wives as young as 14.
In this life.


I don't agree with that. You know.
I simply feel thats too young.


At the same time?
I feel a fair question is this.

Christianity teaches humans in this life that the Father of jesus Christ and Christianitys holy ghost did approve of dqvid despite the fact david had wives as young as 14 in this life.

And david partied with his young wives too.
While all israel approved.
Furing davids time on earth.

In this life.

On that note?

Quick question.
A question i thibk too many people irrationally ignore in this life.

Worded as follows.

Why did God approve of David and consider the biblical man David gloriously righteous and even saintly if it's obvious from human history and Christian scripture that said slept with 14 year olds?

Is God wrong ?

In such a matter?


It's a good question.
And it's also a truth
That no one on earth at least from recent times on earth seem to acknowledge.

Then" there's also the matter of Christianitys Holy ghost willing Saint Mary to get married to a 40 year old biblical  man named Joseph.

Christianity does teach that Joseph was gloriously righteous before God for marrying Christ's mother ,when Mary was only 13 years in age and Joseph was 40.

That is a Christian teaching.


My question on that note?

Is christianitys All Divine good so called completely sinless  Holy Ghost sinfully wrong or totally  evil  for willing Christ's mother Mary to get married to a 40 year old biblical man named joeslh when Mary was only 13?

Actually most accounts of history say Mary was 12 when this happened.

And 13 when she gave birth to Jesus Christ ,.

I feel these questions I ask here?

They are very good questions that very deceitful people on earth avoid asking themselves or avoid addressing.

Because deceitful people on earth know they have no logical response to such questions.

And it gives a different justification to something most people oppose.


They know if they answer this question, it justifies something they are self righteous about.

The Christian God and christianitys All Divine Holy Ghost condoned such actions on the parts of the biblical righteous men David and joesoh in this life?

Are the almighty christian God and christianitys Holy Ghost sinful for justifying David and Joseph for marrying 13 and 14 year old female humans?

The so called Sinless Father of Jesus and christianitys so called all divine  holy ghost must be sinful and not sinless for willing that to be' reality in this life '' right?

Yet wait?

Christianity is adamant in stating that the Father of Jesus and Christianitys Holy ghost are completely sinless before all beings in any existence.

Why then according to Christian scripture and human history  does christianitys all divine  holy ghost and also  the sinless immaculate father of Jesus Christ will the biblical men David and Joseph to both be married to 13 year old young ladies in this life?

At various times in this life?

Which question also reflects a connection between Daniel 4:35''' and 2nd Peter 1:19-21 likewise.

Once again,. I feel that is a really good question that no one in this life decently asks themselves.

In logic.


What's that all about in reality?

Think people.

On that note?

Are Christianitys so called all divine supreme beings and essences of all life forces in existence sinfully devilishly  wrong in such a matter?

You tell me?

I'm just curious.

I think it's a good question.

What's asked here.
That no one on earth dare properly addresses.

Wooooulglualaaa bluelglaaaza?
On that note?

Sometimes asming rational questions like this?

Its like trying to measure a guat of wind with your eyes.

Or its like trying to weigh a section of fire in a fire place.

Itsike talking toa brick wall.


You know full well,why?

People today do not acknowledge the real truth kf this matter.

Which is that christianitys two supreme beings did not condemn the biblical men dqvid and joesph for alerling with 13 year old young ladies.

I dont approve of that.
Yet lets face it.

i cant condemn it.

Because its clear  that the sinless father of jesus Christ and likewise  christianitys all divine holy ghost did not condemn joezph or dqvid for such actions
I do not rank above the sinless Father of jesus
on that note.

No matter how sinlessly self righteous devilish humans of this ungodly era become in this matter.

in this era of bumanitys self righteous  judgments against the trinity of christ or in this eras psychotic self righteous judgments of the holy Father of Jesus .

In this matter

and in this era of humanity's ridiculous self righteous sinful  judgments of Christianitys all divine holy ghost too in this matter.

, in how most humans today idiotically thibk their better then the holy christian  Trinity deitys in this matter.

Matthew 10:26-27 and 2nd Timothy 3:1-9; still remain a situation for humans of this era though.

Regardless of how humans on earth today think they are better then the Trinity deitys of Christianity in regards to such a matter.

I now close this post with the following addressed logic.


And while we're on such a subject?
Regarding Christianity wholly?

In connection to 2nd Peter 1:19-21"""" Psalm 149:5-9,,,,2nd Esdras 13:13""""plus the entire  book of Genesis in Christianity  ,plus ,,Matthew 5:17-20 and Leviticus 25:38-46 also?

In connection to what Jesus Christ teaches all humans to do in Luke 4:4 and Matthew 5:16-20 entirely?

Just for the appropriate sake of record?

Just so anyone who is curious to know the real truth of such a matter is aware of such a fact?

Just for the appropriate obvious true sake of record?

It also becomes entirely clear through the words of Christianitys all divine Holy Ghost 

Connected to Ephesians 4:1''''Luke 4:4 and  ''''''colossians 3:22 whole that Christianitys Holy ghost states that  biblical men named Abraham Issac and Jacob as well as many other righteous men and women in Christianity  were all human traffickers.

And righteous owners of other people on earth.

And by way of what  Christianity states in 2nd Peter 1:19-21 to humanity Christianity makes it entirely clear to all humanity in this life that both  Christianitys Holy ghost as well as the Father of Jesus Christ completely approve of that human policy in this life.

In fact in connection to Genesis 16:12 ,,, Romans 9:13''' revelation 17:8-11"""and Genesis 9:24-27 specifically?

There is no doubt whatsoever at all that Christianity even goes out of its way to teach all  humans,,, through christianitys all Divine holy ghost no less actually,,,   in this life that ,, if humans properly  followed the teachings of Leviticus 25:38-46, regarding human trafficking or slavery?

In literal terms?

Then many human enfants throughout the centuries of this existence from many non arabian nations specifically  would not be inappropriately blown up or murdered by deliberately wild totally  psychotic spiritually bat shit crazy 

arabian people in this life.

Regarding arabian people who teach other nations that Christ is not divine in this life.

By way of both a connection of 2nd kings 17:25-37 with Matthew 5:17-20 and likewise a connection of 2nd Peter 1:19-21 with Isiah 20:2-4 Christianity ?

Christianity clearly teaches humanity that arabian people in this life are to be kept in servitude to other nations on earth.

And taught by other nations on earth how to serve Christ .

In this life.

And kept humble.

In connection to Isiah 20:2-4.
By which fact Christianity teaches humans that Arabians will then be saved and party with Jesus too in the after life.
In connection to mark 8:35.

Like gentile and Hebrew Christians.

Regarding a simple teaching of Christianity which works  salvation in Christ for all.

As opposed to the functions of what Christianity warns humans of in  1st kings 20:42 for example.
Or proverbs 16:18.

Which clearly warns humanity not to be
Too sinfully  imbecilically  proud regarding following such instructions in Christianity.

By example.


I mean, come on. 

Let's face it.
Literally speaking.

If humans on earth followed this decent  teaching of Christianitys Holy Ghost

Here in connection to genesis :9:24-27 and isiah 20:2-4 regarding wild Arabian people on earth in this life , regarding obviously Christianity’s decent  teachings for humanity in this life obviously  then how many human enfants from non arabian nations would not have lost limbs or been blown to pieces or killed by wild screaming arabian suicide bombers?

Who obviously,,, without the functions of both 2nd Peter 1:19-21and  Isiah 20:2-4 are wildly psy c---hotic Arabians on earth who ,, as crazed simpletons,,, on earth in this life,  are simply seeking their 70 sexy virgins which are falsely  promised  to them in this life by Mohammed.

Aw yes.

Most Arabians who blow up other people's enfants in the name of a psycho religion"' are simply deliberate simpletons  who seek to be with  their passionate 70 virgin sex slaves falsely  promised to them  in the after life by Islam if such Arabs go wild and blow up other peoples human enfants  from other  nations in this life.

According to arabian teachings connected mostly to Islam.

And the wild sexy functions of the arabian Koran.


Obviously in light of that information just addressed ?

In connection to 2nd Peter 1:19-21 and Isiah 20:2-4?

Obviously christianitys all divine holy ghost is completely correct in instructing non arabian people to be human traffickers in such a situation.

Andbind and completely  strip all  arabian people stark naked continually  everywhere on earth.

By which factor, when wild Arabians are properly Completely stripped of clothing everywhere on earth and appropriately 

leashed and collared  ,likewise before everyone on earth  in connection to Leviticus 25:38-46"* Matthew 5:17-20--- and like wise Isiah 20:2-4" obviously, then ""
a rational thinking person from another nationality will be able to say this to such arabian people.

"'My arabian wigiloo slaves both male and female arabian wigaloos alike,,,  are any of you devilishly concealing any wild dangerous bombs on your person specific ally  in order to blow up totally helpless human enfants on earth in the name of sweet psy cho gothic Satan  presently at this point in this existence?"'" 

Then all arabian wigiloo humans in bondage and totally nude on planet earth will respond to such question by properly verbally saying this .

"''woe nooo my wonderous mysterious sweet Christian Jewish and gentile mystery masters and mistresses from other nations and cultures on earth!"'

""We are not presently able to devilishly hide devilish  bombs on her sweet  persons or rather bodies in this life  in order to devilishly blow up human enfants in the name of sweet Satan because"" in connection to 2nd Peter 1:19-21"' you wonderous Christian masters and mistresses are rationally obeying the Holy Spirit of christianitys words addressed to all humans in this life regarding us  in Isiah 20:2-4 and Genesis 9:24-27!'''

Ooo my yes!""

Such fabulous arabian wigaloo servant  people will shout to their wonderously mysterious Christian masters and mistresses.

By which factor no more human enfants will be psychotically murdered by arabians.
In this life.

Because such Arabians will be publicly completely nude and bound.

And nude,  they will properly be forced to publicly do what is right by confessing to everyone on earth that they belong in such slavery because if their free they devilishly kill human enfants in the name of Satan.


It's true:

But anyways.

In summary?

Regarding such a subject just addressed?
Let's just properly state that 
Just something for humans on earth to consider if humans ever wish to stop human enfants from being blown up or killed in the name of Satan in this life.


By way of luke 1:37 humans on earth today need to be careful in how humans today weirdly judge Almoghty God.

As humans today arent exactly saints.

Unlike david and joesph.

According to Christianity.

And historical human facts 
That is.

Hey, im just saying.

To anyone who just read this note?
Thank you for reading this logic i just addressed here in this website regarding  actually a video I just watched on youtube.

O my yes

YouTube is filled with strange videos presently in this life on that note.

And it does alarm me at times.

But anyways,, that said?

Regardless of some very strange content located in certain  YouTube videos today?

Thank you.
Very much.

On that note.
And please enjoy the rest of your day here on earth on that note. .

And on youtube.

On that note.


Pure and simple.

I now would like to close this specific posts contents with this:

A little known fact of human history in this life which humans today are oblivious to states that human history verifies to humans in this life during the Middle Ages a saint of Christ who reigned with Christ during the millennial reign of Christianity referred to in revelation 20:7-10 of Christianity could do anything in this existence.

If human history regarding the Middle Ages is checked then that statement is very factual.
And obviously true regarding facts in this life.

Page 521 of : a historical writing entitled’”a history of the council of Trent “ by the author  reverend Theodore r Buckley , plus numerous other historical writings on other middle age documents likewise echo the same sentiments on such a matter.

For the record, in researching such a matter specifically 

The being writing this website actually even encountered two ancient historical documents that stated Saint Nicholas did actually possess twelve reindeer that were enabled with powers of flight during the Middle Ages , generally between the years 667 to 1667.

By which factor Saint Nicholas became known as Santa Claus and literally  did actually deliver gifts to awe struck Christian mortal families during the Middle Ages.

Check the facts of human history attached to this link located immediately below for numerous factual references to the truth of that statement just addressed.

Pure and simple.

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