Tuesday, January 14, 2025

 First let us briefly note this.

Revelation 16:13-14. In Christianity 
States what?


Verse 13 states this…
Revelation 16:13-14,
King James Version

“”13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.


Verse 14 follows by stating this to humanity in this life…

“‘14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.”’

Those two verses of Christian scripture obviously comprise what Saint John also addressed to humanity in the first epistle of John chapter two verses 15- to 17 specifically.

Quite literally both of those Christian scriptures reflect what humans address as modern technology.

Or rather both psalm 99:8 or Ecclesiastes 7:29 .

Or rather 

Meaning an alternate more extreme form of 2nd Thessalonians 2:9-13 .

If you will.


Obviously that information just addressed means this.

in direct defiance of christs Ten Commandments on basically all idiotic counts in this present formation of this existence in particular, including obviously the simple functions of human rest on christs sabbath day ,,,so, that specifically, people on earth today, is literally the  many absolutely different ridiculous forms of totally idiotic modern technology which presently 

resides with human beings on earth today.

Which, in connection to 1st Corinthians 11:13-15  now ridiculously shows itself everywhere on earth in modern devilish inventions everywhere on planet earth in practically countless modern facets which contradict Christian decency in numerous unholy ways.



In other words ?

In general , to word this in simple linguistics, so, for approximately about the last three hundred years ,, specifically, so, foolish humans on earth today presently do not properly 

realize or acknowledge the totally obvious fact that in alignment to 2nd Corinthians 4:4 genesis 3:22 and Luke 1:37,,specifically, the presently clinically insane gods and goddesses ,presently in charge of the present idiotically doomed heavens  , and formerly faithful to Christ, yet now sinfully rebellious to Jesus Christ in this existence,are the idiotic beings who created this present idiotic formation of this present ridiculous existence and universe .

And just for the appropriate sake of record these very same idiotic goofy beings have now also enabled the functions of time travel or time machines to operate on various strange levels in this formation of this existence.

Aw yes.

In connection to both 2nd Corinthians 4:4, and likewise Luke 1:37 of Christianity’s sacred wonderously divine scriptures so  evil gods and goddesses formerly faithful to Christ in prior existences yet now haters of Jesus in this existence , are the beings who created this sinful existence on numerous levels.

Christ did not create sin.

These beings did.

And now these very same devilish deities  have now, in this time period of this ridiculously unholy terrestrial existence now enabled time machines to operate and time travel to 

occur presently on earth  in this present formation of this existence.

On various levels.

Aw yes.

Various levels.

Which means simply this.

Various levels of time machines means simply the following.

In other words 

Some time machines today are weak , meaning they cannot surpass 7 days into this present formation of this existences past or future.

Yet other time machines presently manufactured by evil gods and goddesses who created this ridiculous existence are stronger on various levels.

🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️Meaning 🧚‍♀️such 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️machines 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️are 🧚🧚🧚capable 🧚of 🧚going 🧚seven months into the future or past of this present format of this existence.

The strongest forms of time travel or time machines regarding revelation 16:13-14 and modern technology on earth today are capable of going seven years into this present existences past and future.

This is a matter unknown to mortals generally speaking in this present formation of this present existence.

In obvious alignment with 2nd Corinthians 11:13-15 and 2nd Corinthians 4;4.

Meaning various devilish deities who made the sinful functions of this terrestrial existence are MASQUARADING as mortals in mystical alchemical fleshly bodies that are superior 

to the mortal bodies humans possess in this life.

 Which , while in terrestrial

Form, have the ability to break down into particle forms while time travel is performed, presently in this life and then , when time travel is temporarily stopped, or such machines are in suspended animation for example, then the mortally superior alchemical bodies of such evil gods and goddesses are in full human form.

These are matters which foolish humans today are unaware of because foolish human mortals today do not monitor what Christ warns humans to do in this life in Luke 4:4 obviously…

Yet if humans did do what Christ warns humans to do in Luke 4;4 sincerely ?

Then humans today would irrefutably be aware of the fact evil spirits or rather evil gods and goddesses in this present formation of this existence are obviously ridiculously presently 

 deploying the psychotic concepts of time machines and time travel everyone on earth in this present formation of this idiotic existence.

Which is a matter obviously controlled by idiotic evil spirits too in this present formation of this existence.

Through which such idiotic devilish deities have committed hypocritical  atrocities galore against my  infinite righteousness in this existence.

Including the serious functions of what Christianity warns humans of in hebrews 13:4.

To the reader.

Such information reflects this Christian vaticinal 

information too.


Regarding various true  fatidical  information given to humans on earth presently by a 16th century vaticinator who humans  call Nostradamus.

In this life.

Such as c7 q71 for example.

Which states this.



“‘ the ancient northern town will not ring its cracked bell for the hero of previous universes as well as hero of prior existences has gone astray through a continually deceptive manipulation in christs originally ordained pre 

set holy space time continuum in the final part of this specific terrestrial existence.
So, in other words what Nostradamus is obviously stating to humanity there is totally obvious.
In this present earthly molecular  plat form of terrestrial
Life forces which dwell presently on earth in this existence , a being addressed by a Christian prophet of Christ named Ezra in 2nd Esdras chapter seven verse 29 will be continually ridiculously thwarted from saving Mother Earths life forces in this present formation of this existence by evil devilish sinful  gods and goddesses .

Who deploy this unforgivable cowardly deceptive goofy eternal sin over and over in this present formation of this existence.

To which end, the last part of what Nostradamus states in c7q71 is this.

Which each spiritually decent 
victory accomplished and properly attained for christs precepts by a being addressed by the Israeli  Christian prophet Ezra  to humanity  in this existence in 2nd Esdras 7:29-32 of Christianity’s scriptures, so  shall such holy victories be undone or wickedly sinfully reversed for absurdly corrupt evil purposes through an absurd invention called time travel  by a wickedly callous manipulation of christs original preset space time continuum…functions ”’.

Which also reflects psalm 11:3 .

Regarding this present formation of this existence.
That’s what Nostradamus states in c7q71 of his holy prophesies to humanity in this life.



That simply means the functions of saint johns words to humanity in this life addressed by Saint John in  revelation 16:13-14 are manifested seven fold for mortals presently on earth in this present formation of this terrestrial existence and 

Unknown to most of humanity for the majority of course.
In this present formation of this existence…


Because most humans on earth today do not monitor what Christ warns humans of in Luke 4:4.

Pure and simple.

I suppose the preceding information just addressed also reflects what Nostradamus warns all humans of in c7q63 likewise.
Which states this.

“‘ the doom of many numerous callous forces in this life , regarding entities referred to by Christianity in both 2nd cor 11:13-15 and Ephesians 6:10-12 are  sealed at the gates of numerous time vortexes in this existence.
Steel chariots vanish into still clear night.”’
Steelchsriots just miraculously Vanish mysteriously into still clear night?
Nostradamus states in c7q63.?

In connection to what Christ warns humans to do in Luke 4:4 of Christianity so just for the appropriate sake of record?

I wonder what Nostradamus could possibly possibly mean by that vaticinal statement he gives to all humans there specifically  in c7qatrain 63 of his prophesies to all humdnity in this life?

Especially in light of the obvious facts just addressed in this blog website.

May I sarcastically say “really?
At this interval in time in this writing?
Why not?


O my yes.

Before 🤡proceeding 🌙with 😱this🪐 site 🤪this 🥦🐙brief 🌪video 🏄🏿‍♀️is 🧑‍✈️logical🌊 to 🧘‍♀️address :💃


 To the readers of this site.

Let this information first be ascertained before I begin the functions of this blog website.
Which information runs worded  as follows.

To humanity today note this obvious logic which is so often foolishly not followed by humans in this life at any conjecture in time in which a human dwells on earth in this existence.

In connection to both Ephesians 6:10-12 and 2nd Corinthians 11:13-15 
The Christian scriptures through both 
Jesus and through Christianity’s Holy Ghost warn all humans in this life  that , if humans wish to stop unforgivable ridiculous evils from idiotically senselessly occurring through Satan and satans minions in this life at any conjecture in time  then humans must expose all evils occurring on earth at any conjecture in time in which a human soul is placed on earth to live in human flesh in this existence…

By any means likewise.

Regarding what is available on earth at any time in which a human dwells on earth.

Which also is a warning from Christianity which applies to all forms of modern technological devices of any sort .

Which is why?
Straight forward and to the point ?

In connection to a warning christ gives all humans in Luke 12:1-3

The following Christian  blog website , may at times possess images from
The internet not associated with the author of this Christian blog site, which some viewers may find controversial or x rated at times.

To the reader.
This is done,once again,,, in this site dueunto the fact christianity warns humans in many ways in this life that “‘ if a human wishes to stop evils from occurring in this life , then a righteous Christian human in this life does what Jesus instructs humans In Luke 12:1-3 by exposing all  evils on earth in any way feasible or imaginable  .

Which includes images on the internet .

Regarding this specific human  time period of this existence.
On earth.

Where humans find each other surrounded by modern inventions everywhere.

That warning must be presented to the readers of this site first and foremost in addressing this blog website in detail .

Now, granted, their are many other rational
Addressed issues as well as neccacary subjects which this Website covers .

In connection with this link here.

As Christ also warns all humans on earth in this life in Matthew 5:17-20 connected to Leviticus 19:35-37 to also 
Summarize all relevant facts subjects and figures which relate to this existence.

In an appropriate balancing act factually likewise.

Which is what this blog website also addresses in this site.

In many images and videos.

In many ration ways likewise.

So that too needs to be noted before the readers of this website proceed with addressing this very factual website likewise.

And truth in this life, often times, is stranger then fiction is on that note…
For humanity in this life .also.

Due to the fact Satan in connection to both Luke 1:37 genesis 3:22 and likewise 2nd Corinthians 4: verse 4 is a deceptive powerful idiotic perfidious basically almost unstoppable mendacious lying  quack job  in this life.

Who, in connection to 1st Timothy 4:1-3  Matthew 7:13-23 and likewise 2nd Timothy 3:1-9 seeks to hide the absolute real truth of Christ from humans in this life no matter what anybody in this life says.

Someone or a variety of beings one a few or many clearly continually deployed time machines in a sinful polyroon fashion to prey on my mortal side in this existence to seee me up my anus in countless ways while they pretentiously pretended they were righteous .


I wonder if such deliberately evil idiots who did that callous totally cowardly nonsense to me while refusing to nobly face me head on without a time machine in this present formation of this  existence know what Jesus says to humanity in Luke 12:1-3 on that note?

The preceding factual information just addressed is also why Nostradamus states elsewhere in century seven of his prophesies the following words.

“‘ justice will be blind to history til wind swept leaves return to the barren tree.”’

That means what I warn humans of ultimately here.




Pure and simple.

Let the readers of this Christian blog website be forewarned of those factual
Situations which pertain into this Christian blog website first and foremost.

In connection to everything I rationally warnhumanity today of here.

In this link.




That said ?

I now begin this Christian  blog website in rational spiritual earnest.

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First off? Regarding the following blog website? First off? First and foremost? On this video here? First off? I'm gonna say something. ...