Tuesday, January 14, 2025

 First let us briefly note this.

Revelation 16:13-14. In Christianity 
States what?


Verse 13 states this…
Revelation 16:13-14,
King James Version

“”13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.


Verse 14 follows by stating this to humanity in this life…

“‘14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.”’

Those two verses of Christian scripture obviously comprise what Saint John also addressed to humanity in the first epistle of John chapter two verses 15- to 17 specifically.

Quite literally both of those Christian scriptures reflect what humans address as modern technology.

Or rather both psalm 99:8 or Ecclesiastes 7:29 .

Or rather 

Meaning an alternate more extreme form of 2nd Thessalonians 2:9-13 .

If you will.


Obviously that information just addressed means this.

in direct defiance of christs Ten Commandments on basically all idiotic counts in this present formation of this existence in particular, including obviously the simple functions of human rest on christs sabbath day ,,,so, that specifically, people on earth today, is literally the  many absolutely different ridiculous forms of totally idiotic modern technology which presently 

resides with human beings on earth today.

Which, in connection to 1st Corinthians 11:13-15  now ridiculously shows itself everywhere on earth in modern devilish inventions everywhere on planet earth in practically countless modern facets which contradict Christian decency in numerous unholy ways.



In other words ?

In general , to word this in simple linguistics, so, for approximately about the last three hundred years ,, specifically, so, foolish humans on earth today presently do not properly 

realize or acknowledge the totally obvious fact that in alignment to 2nd Corinthians 4:4 genesis 3:22 and Luke 1:37,,specifically, the presently clinically insane gods and goddesses ,presently in charge of the present idiotically doomed heavens  , and formerly faithful to Christ, yet now sinfully rebellious to Jesus Christ in this existence,are the idiotic beings who created this present idiotic formation of this present ridiculous existence and universe .

And just for the appropriate sake of record these very same idiotic goofy beings have now also enabled the functions of time travel or time machines to operate on various strange levels in this formation of this existence.

Aw yes.

In connection to both 2nd Corinthians 4:4, and likewise Luke 1:37 of Christianity’s sacred wonderously divine scriptures so  evil gods and goddesses formerly faithful to Christ in prior existences yet now haters of Jesus in this existence , are the beings who created this sinful existence on numerous levels.

Christ did not create sin.

These beings did.

And now these very same devilish deities  have now, in this time period of this ridiculously unholy terrestrial existence now enabled time machines to operate and time travel to 

occur presently on earth  in this present formation of this existence.

On various levels.

Aw yes.

Various levels.

Which means simply this.

Various levels of time machines means simply the following.

In other words 

Some time machines today are weak , meaning they cannot surpass 7 days into this present formation of this existences past or future.

Yet other time machines presently manufactured by evil gods and goddesses who created this ridiculous existence are stronger on various levels.

🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️Meaning 🧚‍♀️such 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️machines 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️are 🧚🧚🧚capable 🧚of 🧚going 🧚seven months into the future or past of this present format of this existence.

The strongest forms of time travel or time machines regarding revelation 16:13-14 and modern technology on earth today are capable of going seven years into this present existences past and future.

This is a matter unknown to mortals generally speaking in this present formation of this present existence.

In obvious alignment with 2nd Corinthians 11:13-15 and 2nd Corinthians 4;4.

Meaning various devilish deities who made the sinful functions of this terrestrial existence are MASQUARADING as mortals in mystical alchemical fleshly bodies that are superior 

to the mortal bodies humans possess in this life.

 Which , while in terrestrial

Form, have the ability to break down into particle forms while time travel is performed, presently in this life and then , when time travel is temporarily stopped, or such machines are in suspended animation for example, then the mortally superior alchemical bodies of such evil gods and goddesses are in full human form.

These are matters which foolish humans today are unaware of because foolish human mortals today do not monitor what Christ warns humans to do in this life in Luke 4:4 obviously…

Yet if humans did do what Christ warns humans to do in Luke 4;4 sincerely ?

Then humans today would irrefutably be aware of the fact evil spirits or rather evil gods and goddesses in this present formation of this existence are obviously ridiculously presently 

 deploying the psychotic concepts of time machines and time travel everyone on earth in this present formation of this idiotic existence.

Which is a matter obviously controlled by idiotic evil spirits too in this present formation of this existence.

Through which such idiotic devilish deities have committed hypocritical  atrocities galore against my  infinite righteousness in this existence.

Including the serious functions of what Christianity warns humans of in hebrews 13:4.

To the reader.

Such information reflects this Christian vaticinal 

information too.


Regarding various true  fatidical  information given to humans on earth presently by a 16th century vaticinator who humans  call Nostradamus.

In this life.

Such as c7 q71 for example.

Which states this.



“‘ the ancient northern town will not ring its cracked bell for the hero of previous universes as well as hero of prior existences has gone astray through a continually deceptive manipulation in christs originally ordained pre 

set holy space time continuum in the final part of this specific terrestrial existence.
So, in other words what Nostradamus is obviously stating to humanity there is totally obvious.
In this present earthly molecular  plat form of terrestrial
Life forces which dwell presently on earth in this existence , a being addressed by a Christian prophet of Christ named Ezra in 2nd Esdras chapter seven verse 29 will be continually ridiculously thwarted from saving Mother Earths life forces in this present formation of this existence by evil devilish sinful  gods and goddesses .

Who deploy this unforgivable cowardly deceptive goofy eternal sin over and over in this present formation of this existence.

To which end, the last part of what Nostradamus states in c7q71 is this.

Which each spiritually decent 
victory accomplished and properly attained for christs precepts by a being addressed by the Israeli  Christian prophet Ezra  to humanity  in this existence in 2nd Esdras 7:29-32 of Christianity’s scriptures, so  shall such holy victories be undone or wickedly sinfully reversed for absurdly corrupt evil purposes through an absurd invention called time travel  by a wickedly callous manipulation of christs original preset space time continuum…functions ”’.

Which also reflects psalm 11:3 .

Regarding this present formation of this existence.
That’s what Nostradamus states in c7q71 of his holy prophesies to humanity in this life.



That simply means the functions of saint johns words to humanity in this life addressed by Saint John in  revelation 16:13-14 are manifested seven fold for mortals presently on earth in this present formation of this terrestrial existence and 

Unknown to most of humanity for the majority of course.
In this present formation of this existence…


Because most humans on earth today do not monitor what Christ warns humans of in Luke 4:4.

Pure and simple.

I suppose the preceding information just addressed also reflects what Nostradamus warns all humans of in c7q63 likewise.
Which states this.

“‘ the doom of many numerous callous forces in this life , regarding entities referred to by Christianity in both 2nd cor 11:13-15 and Ephesians 6:10-12 are  sealed at the gates of numerous time vortexes in this existence.
Steel chariots vanish into still clear night.”’
Steelchsriots just miraculously Vanish mysteriously into still clear night?
Nostradamus states in c7q63.?

In connection to what Christ warns humans to do in Luke 4:4 of Christianity so just for the appropriate sake of record?

I wonder what Nostradamus could possibly possibly mean by that vaticinal statement he gives to all humans there specifically  in c7qatrain 63 of his prophesies to all humdnity in this life?

Especially in light of the obvious facts just addressed in this blog website.

May I sarcastically say “really?
At this interval in time in this writing?
Why not?


O my yes.

Before 🤡proceeding 🌙with 😱this🪐 site 🤪this 🥦🐙brief 🌪video 🏄🏿‍♀️is 🧑‍✈️logical🌊 to 🧘‍♀️address :💃


 To the readers of this site.

Let this information first be ascertained before I begin the functions of this blog website.
Which information runs worded  as follows.

To humanity today note this obvious logic which is so often foolishly not followed by humans in this life at any conjecture in time in which a human dwells on earth in this existence.

In connection to both Ephesians 6:10-12 and 2nd Corinthians 11:13-15 
The Christian scriptures through both 
Jesus and through Christianity’s Holy Ghost warn all humans in this life  that , if humans wish to stop unforgivable ridiculous evils from idiotically senselessly occurring through Satan and satans minions in this life at any conjecture in time  then humans must expose all evils occurring on earth at any conjecture in time in which a human soul is placed on earth to live in human flesh in this existence…

By any means likewise.

Regarding what is available on earth at any time in which a human dwells on earth.

Which also is a warning from Christianity which applies to all forms of modern technological devices of any sort .

Which is why?
Straight forward and to the point ?

In connection to a warning christ gives all humans in Luke 12:1-3

The following Christian  blog website , may at times possess images from
The internet not associated with the author of this Christian blog site, which some viewers may find controversial or x rated at times.

To the reader.
This is done,once again,,, in this site dueunto the fact christianity warns humans in many ways in this life that “‘ if a human wishes to stop evils from occurring in this life , then a righteous Christian human in this life does what Jesus instructs humans In Luke 12:1-3 by exposing all  evils on earth in any way feasible or imaginable  .

Which includes images on the internet .

Regarding this specific human  time period of this existence.
On earth.

Where humans find each other surrounded by modern inventions everywhere.

That warning must be presented to the readers of this site first and foremost in addressing this blog website in detail .

Now, granted, their are many other rational
Addressed issues as well as neccacary subjects which this Website covers .

In connection with this link here.

As Christ also warns all humans on earth in this life in Matthew 5:17-20 connected to Leviticus 19:35-37 to also 
Summarize all relevant facts subjects and figures which relate to this existence.

In an appropriate balancing act factually likewise.

Which is what this blog website also addresses in this site.

In many images and videos.

In many ration ways likewise.

So that too needs to be noted before the readers of this website proceed with addressing this very factual website likewise.

And truth in this life, often times, is stranger then fiction is on that note…
For humanity in this life .also.

Due to the fact Satan in connection to both Luke 1:37 genesis 3:22 and likewise 2nd Corinthians 4: verse 4 is a deceptive powerful idiotic perfidious basically almost unstoppable mendacious lying  quack job  in this life.

Who, in connection to 1st Timothy 4:1-3  Matthew 7:13-23 and likewise 2nd Timothy 3:1-9 seeks to hide the absolute real truth of Christ from humans in this life no matter what anybody in this life says.

Someone or a variety of beings one a few or many clearly continually deployed time machines in a sinful polyroon fashion to prey on my mortal side in this existence to seee me up my anus in countless ways while they pretentiously pretended they were righteous .


I wonder if such deliberately evil idiots who did that callous totally cowardly nonsense to me while refusing to nobly face me head on without a time machine in this present formation of this  existence know what Jesus says to humanity in Luke 12:1-3 on that note?

The preceding factual information just addressed is also why Nostradamus states elsewhere in century seven of his prophesies the following words.

“‘ justice will be blind to history til wind swept leaves return to the barren tree.”’

That means what I warn humans of ultimately here.




Pure and simple.

Let the readers of this Christian blog website be forewarned of those factual
Situations which pertain into this Christian blog website first and foremost.

In connection to everything I rationally warnhumanity today of here.

In this link.




That said ?

I now begin this Christian  blog website in rational spiritual earnest.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Summarizing this existencesfacts with images and videos truthfully and appropriately And asking decent Logical Questions which evil humans in this life ignore.

Before proceeding with this post I must put this in writing.

🍁🤪Logic? 🔥🤹No? 🪐🐴Woe....🥳🌛

Israel and benjamin Netanyahu along with America and Donald Trump must let the arabs and all satanists shit all over  them. 

🍁🤪Logic? 🔥🤹No? 🪐🐴Woe....🥳🌛

And the jewz must let the arabs and all satanists blow up helpless little Jewish enfants andhelpless babies and kill babies in the name of a deranged pedo named sweet mohommed.          ..                           

🍁🤪Logic? 🔥🤹No? 🪐🐴Woe....🥳🌛

                                if Donald Trump and benjamin Netanyahu and all Israel and America do not consent to all Arabic nations and all satanists devilishly righteously murderinghuman  babies in this fashion then Benjamin Netanyahu and Donald Trump and all who are. opposed to blowing up human babies in the name of Satan must face criminal charges .  And go to jail forever. 

🍁🤪Logic? 🔥🤹No? 🪐🐴Woe....🥳🌛

See? Because we can't condone Benjamin Netanyahu or donald Trump if their gonna fight a war that protects human babies.  

🍁🤪Logic? 🔥🤹No? 🪐🐴Woe....🥳🌛

In this war ?
In the Mideast ? And America?

Benjamin Netanyahu and Donald Trump need to kneel buck naked at the Arab nations feet.
And let the arabs righteously mercilessly blowup and kill human enfants in the name of satan .

🍁🤪Logic? 🔥🤹No? 🪐🐴Woe....🥳🌛

And Donald Trump and benjamin Netanyahu need to apologize to the world for trying to send in troops into the Mideast to stop the glorious arabs from murdering little helpless human enfants in the name of Satan.
🍁🤪Logic? 🔥yes? 🤹No? 🪐yes?🐴Woe....🥳🌛
worship the arabs. 

Yes?  Noo?   Woe....?

🍁🤪Logic? 🔥 YES?🤹No? 🪐yes?🐴Woe....🥳🌛
For devilishly killing human babies that way.?

Exactly. ?Exactly.  Let's be sensible here. Kill donald trump  and benjamin Netanyahu for protecting human babies in these American Arab and Israeli wars.     

🍁🤪Logic? 🔥🤹No? 🪐🐴Woe....🥳🌛

                                                 Let's be sensible and kill trump and Netanyahu for being merciful to human babies that way. And let's protect the arabs for blowing up human babies in the name of sweet Satan.  

🍁🤪Logic? 🔥🤹No? 🪐🐴Woe....🥳🌛
Right?  Exactly.?  Exactly. Be sensible.people.on this matter.  Exactly.?

As the video attached here to this email Logically explains to all .

Righteous reverse Christian psychology ?
Addressed here?

🍁yes?🤪Logic? 🔥yes? No? Yes?🤹No? 🪐🐴maybe?Woe....🥳🌛

🍁maybe? 🤪Logic? Yes?🔥🤹No? 🪐yes?🐴Woe....🥳🌛

Retards on earth today.  
Holy jesus.

WTF is wrong with the human race today?

Reverse Christian psychology calls for sercasm?

In this subject?

You could have filled me on that note.

You total and complete  imbeciles.
On earth today.

🍁🤪Logic?  Yes?🔥maybe?🤹No? 🪐yes?  🐴NOOO!?  OKAY?









Christ's truth.
In tow?



Do people on earth today possess brains greater then that of a bird humans call the DODO?


Let all Jewish and gentile people 
Go brain  dead slow amidst the wild warfare  Arab foe?

Woe................ Nooooo?

Red means stop?

Green means go?

You don't say?



The Jewish and Christian Gods Holy truth in tow?




The Holy Ghost in Christianity says through Jesus that nothing will be hidden.
On judgment day.
2ndpeter 1:19-21 and matthew12:37 connects with Luke 12:1-3. Of Christianity 
On that note.

Time to obey Jesus and ChristianitysHoly Spirit on that note.

With the following :

The following blog website will obey Christianity in regards to such scriptures in this manner.
The following website will appropriately 
Summarize this existencesfacts with words , images and videos truthfully and appropriately And ask decent Logical Questions which evil humans in this life ignore. 
While simultaneously doing that.

In honor of mark 3:29 and  Christianitys All Divine  Holy Ghost.


Watch  bicycling mountaineer on Hamilton Ontario Canada’s highway mountain on sweet blessedly insane youtube: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Ak0TR2jlrVo&feature=shared

The following blog websites contents in images ,

words and videos

obviously logically truthfully 

Summarizes  facts to this life appropriately in various links on the internet.


Which includes the following information addressed.

Worded as follows…

A brief preclude introduction to this Astonishing blog website is now addressed to the readers of this site in the following manner.

In proper Christian obedience to what Jesus Christ instructs all humanity in Luke 4:4, so, in connection to both isiah 20:2-4  and likewise genesis 16:12,,,so, could a wild Arabian blow human enfants up in the name of Islam if other nations honoured what Christianity teaches humans to follow in genesis 9:24-27 and Roman’s 9:13?

The answer is “‘ no.

Deliberately Wild Arabians on earth could not devilishly blow up human enfants in the name of sweet Satan on earth in this life if wild crazed Arabians were nude and bound in servitude to other nations on earth in this life.

Because , obviously in alignment to what Christianity’s Holy Ghost warns all humans in this life through the prophet isiah in isiah 20:2-4 in alignment to 2nd Peter 1:19-21 ,so quite obviously their would be no where , literally, for an Arabian wigaloo to conceal a bomb.
Even in their anus.
A bomb would be still visible.
Due to the crack in a humans anus.

For Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.

In connection to colossians 3:22, Matthew 5:17-20, Ephesians 6:5-9, 1st kings 20:42, and numbers 33:55-56, likewise.

Also it should be noted that Christianity teaches humans on earth in this life that , if humans simply followed the teachings of Christianity’s Holy Ghost in this regard then all people on earth would be saved in the after life if all humans on earth in this life showed proper obedience for Christianity’s teachings in this life in this regard.

Yet humans on earth idiotically proudly always deliberately choose to mock Christianity’s simple holy teachings to humans in this life, in this regard.

Which is why wild arabian human spiritually imbecilic wonderous jigaboos in this life continue to go psychotic blowing up human enfants everywhere on earth in the name of sweet Satan .

In this life.
From all human nations on earth in this life.

Which is unfortunate.

To humans on earth who think Christianity’s Holy Ghost is sinfully wrong in warning  human nations in this life  to properly enslave bind and strip wild Arabian jigaboos naked in alignment to isiah 20:2- to 4,,,for example,,and place them into servitude to other nations, on earth, lest such wild Arabians blow up human enfants periodically in this life in the name of Satan , I now ask this question.
Perhaps such people opposed to Christianity’s Holy Ghost in this life on such a subject should make this enquiry.
I wonder what those helpless human enfants who have been blown to pieces by such wild freaking Arabians in this life would say to such instructions given to humans by Christianitys Holy Ghost in this life ?

In connection to genesis 9:24-27, Leviticus 25:38-46, exodus 21:6, Matthew 5:17-20, and Roman’s 3:31?

Would such human enfants say “”’Aw yes…,,, it’s best to sinfully defyChristianitys Holy Ghost in such a subject?

So more human enfants can mercilessly continue to be blown to bits by wild crazed Arabian wigaloos in this life?

That’s a very good question which most humans in this life psychotically wonderously astonishingly ignore.

And “‘ to the sweet readers of this wonderous blog website ,,, do note that,,,it is on that wonderously astonishing sensible sweet logical note that I now begin this blog websites sweet logically addressed holy worded contents.

In spiritual earnest…
My gosh yes.


Perfectly clear and perfectly simple.



Regarding this blog website.

To the reader.

Do note the following.

Worded as follows.

A decent spiritually Christian addressed logical three point warning to this existence now approaches earth at sound velocity.


A brief introduction before I proceed with the contents of this blog website are addressed as follows:

To the readers of this blog website do note the following information addressed before the commencement of this site.

And that is simply this.

 Strange thing about the Christian scriptures.

In alignment to 2nd Peter 1:19-21, Christianity’s Holy Ghost commands isiah the prophet of Israel to dance naked in front of all children in Israel during a certain time period in Israel’s history .

In public.


See isiah 20:2-4 for confirmation to that truth.

And various other Christian scriptural statements along with various facts from human history related to this very topic also decree that Israel’s prophets and prophetesses all go bare assed naked at times in public.

As 1st Samuel 19:24 also states.

In alignment with Luke 4:4?

In summary? 

So what gives on that note?

Christianity’s scriptures do teach humans that both Christ and God approve of Christianity’s sacred holy vaticinators dancing completely stark naked before children in public places  while such holy vaticinators of Christ prophesy to all humanity in this life.

In connection with 2nd Peter 1:19-21.

 through Christianity’s All Divine All Immaculate blessed Holy Ghost .

So, on that note I must now ask humans who read these words this question.

 is that immoral?

People on earth today?

Christianity’s sacred scriptures do make it completely clear to all creation in this life that the Holy Christian Father, the holy Christian Son  and Christianity’s All Divine Holy Ghost do approve of their prophets both male and female dancing naked in front of all humanity in this life.

I’ve studied Christianity and Judaism from top to bottom in this life.

In connection to 2nd John 1:10-11?

That statement just addressed  is clearly completely factual.


From a mortal stand point, most humans on earth  would call that immoral.

I know.

Because, in connection to what Jesus warns humans of in this life in mark 3:29 and Matthew 11:31-37 I’ve heard humans in this life proudly  ridiculously slander Christianity’s Holy Ghost because Christianity teaches humans that Christianity’s

 Holy Ghost approves of that religions prophets prophesying buck naked before human children in this life.

In connection to what Christianity warns humans of in Matthew 7:13-23, Luke 6:26, 2nd Peter 1:19-21 and Matthew 12:31-37

I’ve actually heard humans today boast that they are righteous infinitely above Christianity’s Holy Ghost and above the sinful lies of Christianity’s Holy Ghost addressed through saint Peter in 2nd Peter 3:7-17 and addressed through Saint Paul likewise in 2nd Timothy 3:1-9 simply because Christianity’s so called Holy Ghost sinfully ordered the prophet isiah to go dancing stark naked prophesying in front of human children.

In connection to 1st Samuel 15:3-33 and hebrews 12:28-29 

In this life.


Isn’t that marvelous?

I find it  very interesting how humans today,  who deliberately atrociously mendaciously  destroy Mother Earth callously through numerous forms of devilish modern technology , in a far far far worse sinful fashion then any previous generation of mankind ever did or probably would ever dare do in this life ,,, would callously boast that they are divinely  sinlessly righteous  infinitely above Christianity’s Holy Ghost in that regard…


Because Christianity’s Holy Ghost orders her holy sacred prophets to prophesy stark naked in front of devilish human children in this life.

Very interesting indeed.

How such humans today claim to be divinely righteous above Christianity’s Holy Ghost for that ridiculous reason .

Connected to oooo let’s say Matthew 15:1-15 for example?

That is just something for the readers of this blog website to consider .

In addressing this very sacred holy blog website.




On that note?

To the readers:

On that note I begin this sacred blog websites written contents .

with the following information addressed.

Before addressing the contents of this first post I attach to. This site?

I will state this.

Watch "First Wave S1 EP5 " Elixir" (HD)" on YouTube

A Hollywood tv program through television  twists the real truth of 50 missing quatrains of Nostradamus.
Regarding Nostradamus’s work entitled century seven…

Concealed by a group on earth called the Illuminati for three centuries.

And sold to various Hollywood elite forces connected to 2nd cor 11:13-15  in 1977 a d.

C4q97, of the words of Nostradamus  blend into Luke 1;37, and 1st Corinthians 15:32-56, of Christianity.

Which also translates to this.


“‘“”””The younger woman shall surmount the old before the lusty hearts of many men. The precious drops quench the thirst of time before the ugly truth shall take its toll. 

Woe my yes.

And isn’t that fabulous.

Connected to also c4q97 of the quatrains of Nostradamus likewise.

Most prophetically alarming to all devilis in this life and fasicinating too.


Yes indeed.
In truth.
Once again , what in the name of all that is holy does Nostradamus state in c7q67 of his wonderous prophesies to all humanity in this life?

Simply this.

“‘The younger woman shall surmount the old before the lusty hearts of many men. The precious drops quench the thirst of time before the ugly truth shall take its toll. “‘Century seven quatrain 67 Nostradamus.


Now I begin this post with this :

Questions that deceptive humans never ask themselves.

What the hell is wrong with the human race?

What am I talking about?



To even have to address this?

It's weird*'.

You know?

But if I don't address it?

It's idiotic not to address this.


I'm forced to.

Because humanity presently is imbecilic. beyond measure"""

Ya know?



Because humanity's presently idiotic beyond measure?

In this subject?
On that note?

Here goes.

Please note this logic.

Generally speaking ,I believe personally that 18 years of age is probably best.
Regarding something humans on earth presently call the age of consent.

Humanity today  knows what that means.


Yea. Exactly.

That said?
Now I will say this.

Just for the appropriate sake of record?

I remember being a teenager in this life.
And having crushes on older ladies.

Looking back?

On such a matter?

I will now say this.

I don't see why it was wrong of me to like some older women.
When I was a teenager.
During such a time.

That said?
I now am gonna say something very rational.

That needs to be said.
Because humans on earth at this moment?

Their clearly not making full sense 
In this subject.

On that note?
It's high time I said this.

Right now.
If I didn't say this?
Right now?
It's be a travesty.

I just said why!
So, here goes.
On this subject?
Note this logic.
Here and now.

First off?

Note this.

During their 30s Elvis Presley and jerry Lee Lewis were caught with many teenage girls.
Chuck Berry too....

In fact ,  you look closely at rock n roll history.

Many rock n roll legends beloved by millions around the world had sex with teenage girls.

And Henry Winkler was beloved as the  Fonz on the t v  show  happy days.
Yet he dated young  teenage girls.

And if you look properly at even biblical history the Christian Bible says God approved of King David and called David righteous , even though David clearly had wild passionate sex with many teenage girls.

The sinless Christian God of total glory clearly called David righteous in the Bible.

Even though David had wild passionate glorious sex with young teenage girls".


If the God of total sinless righteousness called David gloriously righteous, even though David had wondrous sex with teenage girls 

then who are humans today to oppose God's justification of David in that regard?

The. Bible says David's only real error before God was murdering Uriah and then taking his wife for his own.

The Bible makes it clear that if David did not make that one error?

David would have been totally perfect before God".

Despite the fact David had wild sex with teenage girls.

The Bible makes that totally clear.


By way of 2nd John 1;10-11, what's that mean exactly?

Finally christianity teaches all creation in this life that The Father and christianitys All Divine Holy Ghost willed a 40 year old righteous man in this life named Joseph to get married to the mortal mother of Christ in this life, when Mary was only 12 years of age.

Christianity makes it clear likewise that Christ was born to Mary when Mary was only 13.

Signifying the 3 in 1 Christian Trinity  prime Creator  Genitors.

Then, after Christ was born sinlessly through christianitys Holy Spirit,,, Christian history says , at 42 years of age,  the righteous biblical man Joseph had glorious wild sexual intercourse with the mother of Jesus, Mary in marriage when Mary was only 14"..

Which resulted in Christ having half brothers and sisters in this life..

Connected to John 7:7.

Woe  my yes.

And God and christianitys Holy Ghost gloriously sinlessly approved of the 42 year old righteous biblical man "'joesph , having gloriously wild passionate sex with Christ's mother "' Mary.

When Mary was only 14, and the gloriously righteous biblical man Joseph was 42 years of age.


To  earthlings on earth today.

By way of 2nd Peter 1:19-21 and the Holy ghost in christianitys warnings spoken to all creation through the Jewish prophet Malachi in Malachi 3;6"' and also through Saint Paul in Hebrews 13;8, which both warn humans that The sinless Christian God and Jesus never change, so ,does that mean mortals on earth today are going to devilishly righteously condemn. Jesus and God as sinners?

Of course Jesus and God are righteous.

And not sinners.


On that note?

Wtf are humans on earth who oppose this talking about?


I'm just wondering.

Because someone's not making perfect sense 



On earth.
In this subject.

And I'm suspecting God isn't the sinner.
In this subject.

Neither is Jesus the sinner here.

On that note.
Least of all , christianitys all Divine HOLY GHOST is not sinful.


On that note.

That means mortal authority figures and most humans presently on earth are being sinfully mendacious about the true functions of this subject..
Aw yes.

When all the true facts of this subject are evaluated properly?

It's the only real answer that makes sense.

I'm suspecting deceitful self righteous humans on earth presently are being hypocritical in this subject 

And I'm getting really tired of it.

What I write?
It's clearly factual:
In this life.
Do people know what a fact is?
In this life!

Clearly I'm right.
In saying what I just said there.

That's totally obvious.

When someone looks at the facts I just addressed.



What's wrong with people?

You know?


And why do countless people on earth worship rock stars and Hollywood actors, if it's clear such numerous rock stars and also numerous Hollywood actors had sex with 14 year old girls and boys?

It's a good question.
And no one's rationally answering 
that very decent rational question.
The following is now obvious.
And that is simply this.
People never address the real truth of life properly.
For the majority.
But people, for the majority, on earth, know these statements I make here are factual and completely true.
And that amounts to hypocrisy.
For the majority.
On the part of the human race.

Clear and simple. Which is the functions of Matthew 24':51.
Pure and simple . 



It was ridiculous that I was forced to address  such a subject.
Due to the majority of mankind's present idicocies galore.
Presently on planet earth.

In this life.


But that's the way it is.
Right now.

On earth.

It seems.

I wish humans who still honor John 14:15 true blessings in Jesus.
On that note.

Let’s Close with this.

Obviously it means , Christ looks at a human heart.

Unlike humans.

And David loved Christ in his heart.
In alignment to psalm 51:10 and John 14:15.
As did the biblical man Joseph.

That's why David and Joseph were considered infinitely righteous before Christ.
Despite the preceding information addressed.
That's why Romans 4:7-8 applied here to David and Joseph too.

Yet , People on earth today , and for the majority throughout all generations of this created existence specifically’” for the majority , obviously”’in this existence , are quite literally too deliberately preoccupied with devilish sins to note such an obvious truth.

I address here.

In connection to hebrews 10:26-27 of Christianity’s scriptures.


Aw yes.

Countless ridiculous hypocritical sins which ridiculously , for no true rational purpose 

 mock Christianity’s benevolent Holy Ghost .

Especially the majority of humanity today.

What a pity.
O well.

Now I 

Doxologize this information addressed here in this light.


If, by way of 2nd John 1:10-11"" the facts of this life irrefutably 
verify that the all Divine Christian Three completely sinless Trinity Creators approved of the biblical men ,David and Joseph, despite the fact the biblical men David and Joseph at 40 years of age  ,,had wild sex with 14 year old human females, then who are humans today to say it's wrong?

If the facts of this life completely verify that the Father , Son and Holy Ghost clearly approve of it?

I'd like to see anyone on earth answer that question.
Which is a rational question which , in connection to what Jesus Christ states to all humanity in Luke 12:1-3, is also reminiscent of the worded contents attached to these two links here…

Right now.

Either answer that decent question.

Right now.

Or please shut up about this subject.

In connection with this;

😮 I feel a person should wait til at least 16 before sex.
At least.
Probably 18.
But that doesn’t alter the fact I remember , when I was a young teenager I had huge crushes on some older women.
I remember that clearly.

Something about this subject doesn’t make perfect sense.

I’m trying to figure it out decently.

I don’t think people realize that God Almighty can do what He wants.

God is righteous.

And He owns all things mortal.

If God in His righteousness decides He’s going to purify a relationship between mortals?

Regardless of age.

Then who is a mortal to say that’s impossible for God?

That’s a good question.

That I think no one’s properly asking themselves.

So such a problem dwells in that.

When mortals dishonour psalm one then mortals are given such rules by God.

Generally speaking.

In other words.

Yet if a mortal honours God properly?

Then the outcome is as follows.


Meaning what’s addressed in this blog website.

Or psalm 32:1-2 connects to psalm 51:10.
Or 1st Timothy 1:9-10.

On that note.

That’s the only mortally rational answer to such a question.

That’s obvious.

Pure and simple.

So? ………Now…
To finalize this molecularly insane  topic? I will briefly only  say this:
To the readers of this blog website.
According to Christianity and human history, God in his divine wisdom sinlessly  willed the mother of Jesus , in this life to marry a 40 year old virgin when the mother of Jesus was only 12 years of age.
Apparently to show mortals that the Christian God can purify any relationship as holy before God .
Regardless of age.
Also such is the case in this life because it signifies the twelve tribes of Israel and it signifies the authority given by Christ to his twelve apostles in this life.

In defence of Christianity?
No where else  in Christianity is that ever authorized.

And the mother Mary does give birth to the potential  saviour of all mankind .
So that needs to be taken into account.

That isn’t a light matter.

Yet , despite that?
the point is that no where in Christianity does Christendom ever go below twelve in age.
Regarding such a matter.

Obviously from a mortal stand point that would 
be absolutely disgusting .

God is God though.
And God can purify anything to his design.
When he wishes.

And mortals are wise not to challenge God in that respect.

Connected to Luke 6:26 for example.

Unless a mortal created God? 


On that sweet note?
Please o please can mortals now just shut up about such a topic?

Holy free Holy.
That’d be 
If you could?
As what was just said is completely rational.
Regarding such a topic.
Go with God on that note 
Now for the love of Jesus Christ…
Please just
Shut up  on such a matter.

Right now.
In fact.
Thank you everyone.

On earth today.

On that note.
For addressing these seriously logical facts regarding this very serious subject.
Problem solved.


  First let us briefly note this. Revelation 16:13-14. In Christianity  States what? “‘  Verse 13 states this… Revelation 16:13-14, King Jam...