Friday, September 27, 2024

Questions which evil humans in this life ignore.


Before addressing this post?

I will state this.

Watch "First Wave S1 EP5 " Elixir" (HD)" on YouTube

A Hollywood tv program through television  twists the real truth of 50 missing quatrains of Nostradamus.
Regarding Nostradamus’s work entitled century seven…

Concealed by a group on earth called the Illuminati for three centuries.

And sold to various Hollywood elite forces connected to 2nd cor 11:13-15  in 1977 a d.

C4q97, of the words of Nostradamus  blend into Luke 1;37, and 1st Corinthians 15:32-56, of Christianity.

Which also translates to this.


“‘“”””The younger woman shall surmount the old before the lusty hearts of many men. The precious drops quench the thirst of time before the ugly truth shall take its toll. 

Woe my yes.

And isn’t that fabulous.

Connected to also c4q97 of the quatrains of Nostradamus likewise.

Most prophetically alarming to all devilis in this life and fasicinating too.


Yes indeed.
In truth.
Once again , what in the name of all that is holy does Nostradamus state in c7q67 of his wonderous prophesies to all humanity in this life?

Simply this.

“‘The younger woman shall surmount the old before the lusty hearts of many men. The precious drops quench the thirst of time before the ugly truth shall take its toll. “‘Century seven quatrain 67 Nostradamus.


Now I begin this post with this :

Questions that deceptive humans never ask themselves.

What the hell is wrong with the human race?

What am I talking about?



To even have to address this?

It's weird*'.

You know?

But if I don't address it?

It's idiotic not to address this.


I'm forced to.

Because humanity presently is imbecilic. beyond measure"""

Ya know?



Because humanity's presently idiotic beyond measure?

In this subject?
On that note?

Here goes.

Please note this logic.

Generally speaking ,I believe personally that 18 years of age is probably best.
Regarding something humans on earth presently call the age of consent.

Humanity today  knows what that means.


Yea. Exactly.

That said?
Now I will say this.

Just for the appropriate sake of record?

I remember being a teenager in this life.
And having crushes on older ladies.

Looking back?

On such a matter?

I will now say this.

I don't see why it was wrong of me to like some older women.
When I was a teenager.
During such a time.

That said?
I now am gonna say something very rational.

That needs to be said.
Because humans on earth at this moment?

Their clearly not making full sense 
In this subject.

On that note?
It's high time I said this.

Right now.
If I didn't say this?
Right now?
It's be a travesty.

I just said why!
So, here goes.
On this subject?
Note this logic.
Here and now.

First off?

Note this.

During their 30s Elvis Presley and jerry Lee Lewis were caught with many teenage girls.
Chuck Berry too....

In fact ,  you look closely at rock n roll history.

Many rock n roll legends beloved by millions around the world had sex with teenage girls.

And Henry Winkler was beloved as the  Fonz on the t v  show  happy days.

Yet he dated young  teenage girls.

And if you look properly at even biblical history the Christian Bible says God approved of King David and called David righteous , even though David clearly had wild passionate sex with many teenage girls.

The sinless Christian God of total glory clearly called David righteous in the Bible.

Even though David had wild passionate glorious sex with young teenage girls".


If the God of total sinless righteousness called David gloriously righteous, even though David had wondrous sex with teenage girls then who are humans today to oppose God's justification of David in that regard?

The. Bible says David's only real error before God was murdering Uriah and then taking his wife for his own.

The Bible makes it clear that if David did not make that one error?

David would have been totally perfect before God".

Despite the fact David had wild sex with teenage girls.

The Bible makes that totally clear.


By way of 2nd John 1;10-11, what's that mean exactly?

Finally christianity teaches all creation in this life that The Father and christianitys All Divine Holy Ghost willed a 40 year old righteous man in this life named Joseph to get married to the mortal mother of Christ in this life, when Mary was only 12 years of age.

Christianity makes it clear likewise that Christ was born to Mary when Mary was only 13.

Signifying the 3 in 1 Christian Trinity  prime Creator  Genitors.

Then, after Christ was born sinlessly through christianitys Holy Spirit,,, Christian history says , at 42 years of age,  the righteous biblical man Joseph had glorious wild sexual intercourse with the mother of Jesus, Mary in marriage when Mary was only 14"..

Which resulted in Christ having half brothers and sisters in this life..

Connected to John 7:7.

Woe  my yes.

And God and christianitys Holy Ghost gloriously sinlessly approved of the 42 year old righteous biblical man "'joesph , having gloriously wild passionate sex with Christ's mother "' Mary.

When Mary was only 14, and the gloriously righteous biblical man Joseph was 42 years of age.


To  earthlings on earth today.

By way of 2nd Peter 1:19-21 and the Holy ghost in christianitys warnings spoken to all creation through the Jewish prophet Malachi in Malachi 3;6"' and also through Saint Paul in Hebrews 13;8, which both warn humans that The sinless Christian God and Jesus never change, so ,does that mean mortals on earth today are going to devilishly righteously condemn. Jesus and God as sinners?

Of course Jesus and God are righteous.

And not sinners.


On that note?

Wtf are humans on earth who oppose this talking about?


I'm just wondering.

Because someone's not making perfect sense 



On earth.
In this subject.

And I'm suspecting God isn't the sinner.
In this subject.

Neither is Jesus the sinner here.

On that note.
Least of all , christianitys all Divine HOLY GHOST is not sinful.


On that note.

That means mortal authority figures and most humans presently on earth are being sinfully mendacious about the true functions of this subject..
Aw yes.

When all the true facts of this subject are evaluated properly?

It's the only real answer that makes sense.

I'm suspecting deceitful self righteous humans on earth presently are being hypocritical in this subject 

And I'm getting really tired of it.

What I write?
It's clearly factual:
In this life.
Do people know what a fact is?
In this life!

Clearly I'm right.
In saying what I just said there.

That's totally obvious.

When someone looks at the facts I just addressed.



What's wrong with people?

You know?


And why do countless people on earth worship rock stars and Hollywood actors, if it's clear such numerous rock stars and also numerous Hollywood actors had sex with 14 year old girls and boys?

It's a good question.
And no one's rationally answering 
that very decent rational question.
The following is now obvious.
And that is simply this.
People never address the real truth of life properly.
For the majority.
But people, for the majority, on earth, know these statements I make here are factual and completely true.
And that amounts to hypocrisy.
For the majority.
On the part of the human race.

Clear and simple. Which is the functions of Matthew 24':51.
Pure and simple . 



It was ridiculous that I was forced to address  such a subject.
Due to the majority of mankind's present idicocies galore.
Presently on planet earth.

In this life.


But that's the way it is.
Right now.

On earth.

It seems.

I wish humans who still honor John 14:15 true blessings in Jesus.
On that note.

Let’s Close with this.

Obviously it means , Christ looks at a human heart.

Unlike humans.

And David loved Christ in his heart.
In alignment to psalm 51:10 and John 14:15.
As did the biblical man Joseph.

That's why David and Joseph were considered infinitely righteous before Christ.
Despite the preceding information addressed.
That's why Romans 4:7-8 applied here to David and Joseph too.

Yet , People on earth today , and for the majority throughout all generations of this created existence specifically’” for the majority , obviously”’in this existence , are quite literally too deliberately preoccupied with devilish sins to note such an obvious truth.

I address here.

In connection to hebrews 10:26-27 of Christianity’s scriptures.


Aw yes.

Countless ridiculous hypocritical sins which ridiculously , for no true rational purpose 

 mock Christianity’s benevolent Holy Ghost .

Especially the majority of humanity today.

What a pity.
O well.

Now I 

Doxologize this information addressed here in this light.


If, by way of 2nd John 1:10-11"" the facts of this life irrefutably 
verify that the all Divine Christian Three completely sinless Trinity Creators approved of the biblical men ,David and Joseph, despite the fact the biblical men David and Joseph at 40 years of age  ,,had wild sex with 14 year old human females, then who are humans today to say it's wrong?

If the facts of this life completely verify that the Father , Son and Holy Ghost clearly approve of it?

I'd like to see anyone on earth answer that question.

Right now.

Either answer that decent question.

Right now.

Or please shut up about this subject.


Holy free Holy.


Shut up .

Thank you everyone.

On earth today.


Friday, August 30, 2024

 Nothing but trouble movie clip.

Summarizing facts in this life truthfully.

Why does Christianity state that Jesus Christ justifies a biblical man named "' lot'as being a totally righteous man 

in this life if Christianity also teaches all humans that the biblical man named "' lot'" had passionate sexual intercourse with a 14 year old and 16 year old in this existence?🤡
Christianity clearly advises humanity that Christ and God justify a righteous biblical man named "'"'"'"lot"'"'"'"' in this life for engaging in wild passionate sweet gloriously pleasurable sex with his 14 and 16 year old lovely sexy daughters .

Christianity clearly warns mad dog humans of this era that the Christian God said that's okay that the biblical man named lot did that specifically.

Does that mean God is corrupt in this life?


It's just a question.

On that note I begin this very alarming website .


Questions which evil humans in this life ignore.

  Before addressing this post? I will state this. Watch "First Wave S1 EP5 " Elixir" (HD)" on YouTube A Hollywood tv pro...