Tuesday, February 11, 2025

First off?

Regarding the following blog website?

First off?

First and foremost?

On this video here?

First off?

I'm gonna say something.

Let me say this.

Briefly to the downloader of this video?

A man named JD delay?

Let me first and foremost say this.


You know JD?
On what you are basically addressing in  this video?

JD ?

I basically agree with you.

First and foremost.

In general regarding this subject.
Its how i am.

On this subject.

In this life.

But that said?
That doesn't alter the fact their are some complicitys to this subject that most people today always deceptively and may I say, probably maliciously ignore .

Subjects actually which are clearly hypocritical to ignore.
If anyone ignores the subjects I'm referring to here?
On this serious subject?

Their clearly hypocrites.
Regarding this matter.
That's for sure.
No one in their right mind would deny that truth I just addressed here.

What am I talking about?
Obviously it has to do with the subject addressed here.

In this video.

A subject Mr JD delay addresses far more then any other topic in existence.
Which makes me wonder what's going on with that now?

Who addresses a topic that disgusting this much.?
That's actually scary.

You sure talk about this subject a lot.
Mr JD delay.

You know?
And that's truly getting to be alarming.

And disgusting.

Not that there's anything completely wrong about that 
I suppose.

To just talk about it.
And ever.
And ever.


I quess.

But , okay.

You know?
I mean?
 it a crazy topic.
You know?
And it does offend me to hear about it all the time.
But your just talking about it.
Right JD?
Your just talking.


It's only talk.

Your just summarizing things properly regarding general facts relating to this life.

On that note?

I can and do respect that.

I do.
As long as your being sincere .
To such a matter.
Right JD?
Are you being sincere on this subject?
On that note ?

I'm thinking here.

On that.

And on that note?
Let me now say this.
I'm gonna ask you something here and now,

Mr JD?

And the question is as follows..

I have a question.for you.
Mrjd delay.
And it goes like this.
This is a very rational question I'm about to ask you.

Worded as follows.

Note these rational.words I am about to speak to you in this comment section of this video very clearly.


Pay attention.
Because I'm about to teach you something logical.
Here and now.
Focus on this simple logic.
Which I'm about to address to you in writing.

It runs as follows.

Are you listening?


Why does Christianity specifically irrefutably teach all humanity that the All Divine sinless Father, of Jesus the all divine sinless Sonjesus Christ and the immaculately all divine sinless Holy Ghost Christ's divine mother in christianity teach this ?

According to christianity all three everlasting Ly sinless divine members of Christianitys sacred holy Godhead 
 willed the mother of Jesus Christ in this life, Saint Mary, to get married to a 40 year old quoted 
 righteous biblical man named Joseph.

In this life.
Why does Christianitys all sinless all divine three Godhead members will that concept?
Of obvious supposed pedophilia between Saint Mary and Saint Joseph?

If the so called ALL DIVINE THREE GODHEADS in christianity are truly the eternally sinless all divine BEINGS in this existence?
Christianity teaches humans that Saint Mary married a 40 year old man named Joseph.
When Saint Mary was 12:

 And Joseph was 40.
On the orders of the holy FATHER of Christ .
And on the holy orders of Christianitys all divine holy ghost.

And christianity actually warns humans that the biblical man named Joseph was considered totally gloriously righteous before the Father of Jesus Christ and totally gloriously righteous before Christianity's all divine holy ghost for committing to such so called pedophilia .
In this existence.

Anyone here in these comments want to argue with the All Divine Father of Jesus Christ and the All divine Holy Ghost in christianity on why the All divine Godhead of Christianity actually call a 40 year old biblical man named Joseph a saint and totally righteous when the biblical holy man 
Joseph was doing what self righteous humans today say is wrong and evil?

Regarding a concept humans today say is pedophilia?

Come on?
Step up:

And talk.
Tell me why human history and christianity irrefutably make that matter totally clear in this life.

As facts.
Also human history clearly warns humans on earth in this life that the sinless one Jesus Christ approved of many ancient Jewish kings and other men too and called such Jewish kings and other men righteous.

Despite the fact such Jewish kings and other so called righteous men were having wild passionately fabulous sex with 14 yearold young ladies.


I have that question then.

Why does both human history and numerous ancient Christian and Jewish texts all say factually in unity actually that the Father Son and Holy Ghost in christianity unendingly approved of many Jewish kings and other men too in this life who engaged in sex with 14 year old young ladies and called many Jewish kings and other men righteous before Christ in this life if they did that specifically?

And Malachi 3:6 connected to Hebrews 13:8both state to humanity that both Christ and God never change their outlooks on what they deem is right, in this life.

Now , what's that?


even though such Jewish kings and other men committed what humans on earth today say is pedophilia?

Christianity teaches all humanity in this life that the Godhead of Christianity justified such men as righteous in this life.

Why is that now?


Does anybody here want to boast their righteous above the all Divine Father all divine Son And ALL DIVINE HOLY GHOST in christianity?

On such a matter therefore?

Presently on earth?πŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸ‘ΆπŸ‘ΆπŸ‘Ά

And christianity likewise teaches all humans in Malachi 3:6 and Hebrews 13:8 that Christianity's holy Godhead never alter their views for mortals on what is right as opposed to wrong in this life.

That's a good question that all humans on earth today should ask themselves.

If you don't?

Then humans today are clearly self righteously callously boasting that their sinless above Jesus and better then not only Jesus but also sinlessly better then the all divine Father all divine Son and all divine ghost.

Regarding the holy Godhead of Christianity.

In connection to 2nd esdras 14:13-17:

Yet the Bible of Christianity says only Christ and Christianity's Father and holy ghost are sinless.

So on that note?


I gotta ask you here and now.


what are you really talking about here?
On.thst note?

I'm.just curious.
Let's see now?

Explain why you don't answer that question I ask you.

A rational person who talks like you?

Should answer that very rational question.
Because the question I ask here?
Regarding how The holy sinless Godhead in christianity sinlessly approve of and totally endorce holy men of Christianity marrying young 14 year old ladies is completely a rational question.

And anyone in their right mind whose rational would answer that rational question.

Do you have a cerebral cortex that operates above the level of a terrestrial ostrich on that note properly ?
In this life?

Mr JD delay?
It's a question that's totally decent and holy and very righteous and rational.

And someone in your position JD?

Would answer that very holy question.
By way of Luke 12:1-3.




Do you know what the Lord Jesus Christ states to all beings in Luke 12:1-3?

I'm just wondering if you do.


Do you?

That too is a good question.
Do you?

Final analysis on this subject.

In general terms, without God present?
Pedophilia is completely wrong.

For mortals.

Pure and simple.

Yet just for the appropriate sake of record?

If God says it's okay ?

Then it is possible that "' if God says an under age relationship is okay?

Then it's okay.
Because humans are not above God.
Neither are mortals above God's will in this life.

So that's the key to this subject.

Which is why humans who mock Psalm one of Christianity every day must be cautious in how they approach this subject.

Because in a few cases on earth in this existence, sometimes mortals are not as right as various mortals assume they are in this subject presently addressed.


Because God's will stands above the will of mortals in this life.

And it is possible that God may have a righteous reason for willing an under age relationship to occur on earth at times 

In this existence.

That's God's choice.

And God is sinless for doing it.

If God so chooses.

In alignment to Luke 6:26.
For example...

God can purify any relationship and make it decent.

And their isn't a thing a mortal can do to stop God from making such a relationship holy before all beings.

And that is all their is to that.

Uh huh.


Pure and simple.

Friday, January 24, 2025


Evaluating facts logically in this life. Being rational..

And on that note?

A precursor introduction to this blog website is now addressed as follows…

It revolves around a comment I’ve attached to a YouTube video.

Attached below.

As long as YouTube allows it to air.

Watch " Psycho Walks Neighborhood in Underwear, Claims It as ‘Freedom’, And Treats Cops As Garbage" on YouTube

Okay. So? To begin this writing? I must sarcastically say this.Here we are , wonderously Asking ourselves if The Father son and Holy Ghost in Christianity are sinners for saying in Christianity that 16 years of age is an adult?

Humans on earth today do the atrocious hypocritical things that they ridiculously do and then they dare to ask that question?

“‘Is Jesus the true sinner here?”’
While all humanity and all mortals in this day and  age are all totally gloriously righteous?


That’s a good one.
People on earth today claim that Jesus Christ and christs holy supreme Father and of course likewise Christianity’s All divine Holy Spirit are all complete sinners for teaching humans in this life that the age of marital consent and sexual  bliss in this life for humans is 16.

Of course hypocritical humans on earth today who mock the holy instructions of Jesus Christ in Matthew 5:17-20 in connection to what Christianity’s all divine Holy Ghost teach humans to follow in psalm one would be better and
 more sinless and  knowledge then Christianity’s FATHER, SON, and HOLY GHOST in such matters .


Of course.

Speaking in a facet of reverse Christian psychology that goes rationally over board on claqrcasm 
Sarcasm ?

On this subject?

Shall I say?
On that note I’ll now rationally sarcastically say this.

Anybody whose technically out of their minds from this era of humanity  would most obviously decree that statement to be pure sane and most logical in fact.



On that note?

I’ll now say this.

I just watched this video on YouTube.

And on that note?

I am pretty certain it’s high time the following information was placed in writing.

For psychotically proud humans on earth to logically consider.


And that factual information is worded as follows.

Evaluating facts logically in this life. Being rational.Watch " Psycho Walks Neighborhood in Underwear, Claims It as ‘Freedom’, And Treats Cops As Garbage" on YouTube

And so?
It is on that note that I now state this.

Just for the appropriate sake of record?

On that note?

Regarding the general functions of 
this subject addressed in this video?


Let this now be properly addressed in writing.

I’m weary of YouTube’s deceitful games.
In this present formation of this creation.
And , man , do YouTube authority’s play games presently in this life.

As most authority figures do on earth presently.
It’s getting annoying.

Which is why I am now compelled to write this information down here.

Connected to c10q65 of the quatrains of Nostradamus actually…

Where Nostradamus speaks of someone who writes letters in a harsh yet at the same time very logical fashion from this time period of this existence.

Who could that be?
I ask you?

Connected to what I address here?


Who could Nostradamus possibly be referring to in mentioning someone who writes harshly in letters to humanity?

In this present formation of this life?

I’ll give you three quesses who Nostradamus is referring to there.

And the first two quesses you get on that question?

They do my count.
Or rather “‘ they do not count.
Regarding the three questions I’m giving the readers here on such a subject.

Regarding a simple test in simple logic.

By the way.

O my yes.



Now that “‘ that specifically “‘ has been ascertained in writing?

I’ll now get to the information I was  about to address.

Okay people.

Which information runs as follows.

YouTube authority’s and the people who download this video are corrupt deceitful devils who need to burn in hell unendingly. 

 So ? Their most likely not going to let this rational comment I place here stay afloat in this comment section of this video. 

 So if they don’t allow it? And delete it instead? I’m just going to copy and paste this comment and place it here.

 For all to see. 

 By way of christs warning to all beings alive in this life in Luke 12:1-3 of Christianity so How will YouTube authorities stop me from addressing this truth of what I’m addressing here if I do that specifically? 

 Hey? I’m just wondering? Okay? But anyways . 

So now, let’s now ultimately get to this comment I’m leaving here. In this comment section to this video. Which I shall now word as follows. Remember folks.

 America has police who absurdly Enforce laws which permit humans to have wild passionate unbridled sweet fascinating sexual intercourse with horses cows and sweet sensationally sensual Swine.

 Literally speaking. So? Before anyone here becomes too quick to assert this lady is crazy? For walking in her underwear ? In public? 

 In connection to isuah 20:2-4 of Christianity’s scriptures for example? Which passage of scripture says one of the most righteous men who ever lived on earth walked completely naked in front of Jewish children in this life? 

At a certain point in time?

 In this life?

 On orders from Christ and God himself? Perhaps before anyone on earth who is watching this video chooses to judge and condemn this woman ?for walking in her underwear near her friends house recently in this life? 

 Before judging her for this technically harmless act? Perhaps people watching this video should ask themselves this question.

 Why do these cops who are arresting her here corruptly psychotically enforce and justify the sick perverted ridiculous laws of America which allow American mortals to have passionate sexy wild psychotically sensual perversely passionately pleasurable sexual intercourse with pigs cattle and horses.? 

 That is legal in many states. 

 People who watch this video need to be aware of that. Check it. 

 To see? That’s legal in many states in America. Even if a human is not married to a cow or chicken or pig or horse.

 Polygamy and sexual intercoursewith pigs and horses and many cows too in this life is legal for many Americans in this life. In perverse passionate glories galore. Actually. 

Just check American laws to see . That’s legal. Actually. So why do these cops who are arresting this woman also enforce crazy laws which allow humans to rape pigs and cows in this life?

 I’d say that’s a really good question that most people do not pay attention to in this life. In this present formation of this existence… 

 Don’t you think?


May I reiterate the preceding information just addressed?

Due unto the fact I believe it’s rational information that foolish humans today are ignoring.


I think I’m going to do just that.

Right now.


To reiterate such important information?
on that note?
I must now state this.
To the readers of this blog website once more.

Just for the appropriate sake of record?

Please note the following logic once more.

Worded as follows.

I’m weary of YouTube’s deceitful games.
In this present formation of this creation.
And , man , do YouTube authority’s play games presently in this life.

As most authority figures do on earth presently.
It’s getting annoying.

Which is why I am now compelled to write this information down here.

Connected to c10q65 of the quatrains of Nostradamus actually…

Where Nostradamus speaks of someone who writes letters in a harsh yet at the same time very logical fashion from this time period of this existence.

Who could that be?
I ask you?

Connected to what I address here?


Who could Nostradamus possibly be referring to in mentioning someone who writes harshly in letters to humanity?

In this present formation of this life?

I’ll give you three quesses who Nostradamus is referring to there.

And the first two quesses you get on that question?

They do my count.
Or rather , ultimately they do not count…



Now that “‘ that specifically “‘ has been ascertained in writing?

I’ll now get to the information I’m about to address.

Okay people?

Which information runs as follows.

YouTube authority’s and the people who download this video are corrupt deceitful devils who need to burn in hell unendingly. 

 So ? Their most likely not going to let this rational comment I place here stay afloat in this comment section of this video. 

 So if they don’t allow it? And delete it instead? I’m just going to copy and paste this comment and place it here.

 For all to see. 

 By way of christs warning to all beings alive in this life in Luke 12:1-3 of Christianity so How will YouTube authorities stop me from addressing this truth of what I’m addressing here if I do that specifically? 

 Hey? I’m just wondering? Okay? But anyways . 

So now, let’s now ultimately get to this comment I’m leaving here. In this comment section to this video. Which I shall now word as follows. Remember folks.

 America has police who absurdly Enforce laws which permit humans to have wild passionate unbridled sweet fascinating sexual intercourse with horses cows and sweet sensationally sensual Swine.

 Literally speaking. So? Before anyone here becomes too quick to assert this lady is crazy? For walking in her underwear ? In public? 

 In connection to isuah 20:2-4 of Christianity’s scriptures for example? Which passage of scripture says one of the most righteous men who ever lived on earth walked completely naked in front of Jewish children in this life? 

At a certain point in time?

 In this life?

 On orders from Christ and God himself? Perhaps before anyone on earth who is watching this video chooses to judge and condemn this woman ?for walking in her underwear near her friends house recently in this life? 

 Before judging her for this technically harmless act? Perhaps people watching this video should ask themselves this question.

 Why do these cops who are arresting her here corruptly psychotically enforce and justify the sick perverted ridiculous laws of America which allow American mortals to have passionate sexy wild psychotically sensual perversely passionately pleasurable sexual intercourse with pigs cattle and horses.? 

 That is legal in many states. 

 People who watch this video need to be aware of that. Check it. 

 To see? That’s legal in many states in America. Even if a human is not married to a cow or chicken or pig or horse.

 Polygamy and sexual intercoursewith pigs and horses and many cows too in this life is legal for many Americans in this life. In perverse passionate glories galore. Actually. 

Just check American laws to see . That’s legal. Actually. So why do these cops who are arresting this woman also enforce crazy laws which allow humans to rape pigs and cows in this life?

 I’d say that’s a really good question that most people do not pay attention to in this life. In this present formation of this existence… 

 Don’t you think?

Now to finish this precursor introduction to this blog website I will now say this.

To the readers of this blog website 

This information should also be noted before the commencement of this blog website :

Worded as follows.


The Christian bible ,Jesus Christ , 2nd Peter 1:19-21' And the Christian God likewise generally in  unison  all agree on and say in summary that16 years of age is an adult.

And should be the age of consent in human marital relationships.

For the record, 

I've debated how it's possible God can claim he's righteous at all  if that is the case":

So many times I ask myself if Christ and the Christian God are insane or completely evil.

In this life.

For saying in ancient christianity that 16 years of age is an adult.

In human circles in humanity.

In this life.

Then I realize that the Christian bible warns all beings that God and Jesus are actually sinless.

Even if that is the case.


So who am I to argue with God and Christ on that note?

I say.

So eventually I realized that one cannot argue with Jesus Christ in such a matter.

If jesusandGod both warn humans that. 16 is an adult therefore in humanity in this life then regardless of immortality connected to Genesis 3:22 your probably logical not to argue with Christ or God on that subject.

So I've decided it's possible God and Jesus are right in such a matter.

In alignment with Luke 1:37 of Christianity.

I suppose.

No younger then 16.


I hate that !

Studying .various facts. Summarizing why Ragnarok is approaching this present earth.




Watch the case of Karen silk wood on YouTube. That chapter

 According to this video and a few others, enough nuclear power has gone missing and presumably  has been stolen from various nuclear power plants accross america to blow up the earth 70 times over.

That’s a sign that we have great security at such serious nuclear facilities in America.

Basically many facts on the internet clearly confirm that common thieves are presently in possession of numerous forms of nuclear power.

And their prepared to sell such plutonium and uranium neptunium to the highest bidders .

On the black market.

Regardless of right or wrong.

It’s honor among thieves.

Isn’t that great?

People on earth today?

Good news.

Good news.

I got some good gnus ?

And some bad gnus?

1564 a d. A group on earth connected to John 17:14-17, 2nd Corinthians 11:13-15, revelation 16:13-14 and James 4:4 ridiculously seize 50 sacred quatrains of Nostradamus.

Which pertain to Nostradamus’s vaticinal works addressed to all humanity entitled CENTURY SEVEN.

And that peculiar group on earth strangely hide those 50 quatrains from the rest of humanity for just over four human centuries.

Until one fine day in July 1997 if I’m reading these facts correctly, members of that group entitled The Illuminati give or sell those 50 quatrains to a Hollywood producer by the name of Chris brancato.

Who, in turn , decides to make a space program out those fifty specific formerly hidden  quatrains  and prophesies of Nostradamus…

In two years he has basically created a master piece space program entitled First Wave.

Starring Sebastian Spence roger cross and traci Elizabeth lords…

And I do confess, the creators and writers of the program basically do a fantastic job in addressing these fifty formerly hidden prophesies of Nostradamus.

Generally speaking...


Because, to summarize Christianity properly?

, in connection to Ephesians 6;10-12 generally speaking, an evil spirit is an alien to the planet earths atmosphere.

Evil spirits cannot penetrate into earths airwaves in other words , unless humans mock Christianity’s teaching’s immensely.

And humans from this era of this existence, are masters at defying christs simple instructions given to humans through Christianity’s sacred scriptures in this life.

That’s basically the “‘ just”’ of the matter.

And that’s basically what the writers and producers of the television program First wave do with such a program.

Which is based on those fifty formerly missing quatrains of Nostradamus.

For the record?

The writers of the program do not get everything right regarding the real truth behind those fifty missing quatrains of Nostradamus.

That’s a true statement.

Yet my point to mentioning such information is simply this.

In connection to 2nd Peter 1:19-21 of Christianity’s sacred scriptures 

The writers of such a program , who are in possession of those fifty  formerly missing quatrains of Nostradamus have the general idea of what Nostradamus is saying in such quatrains correct.


Evil spirits and Satan are basically aliens to the planet earth.

And satans spiritual forces cannot penetrate into earths atmosphere unless humans are disobeying christs instructions to humanity in this life.

And this era of humans are masters at disobeying christs simple instructions to humans in Christianity’s scriptures in this life.

That’s the point to that statement.

Pure and simple.


On that note?

In connection to 2nd Peter 1:19-21 

Let’s have a quick look at what one of these formerly missing quatrains addressed originally to all humanity by Nostradamus in 1564 states to all creation in this life now.

Shall we?

Yes we shall.

For such a quotation here 

I debated on a few formerly hidden quatrains of Nostradamus.

To mention here. 

On that note. 

But all avenues properly summarized at this point?

I finally decided on this one specifically.

To mention here.

Which is 

Century seven quatrain 47.

Through which, Nostradamus simply states this to all mankind today.

Worded as Follows.

In this wise.

Or way.

“‘“‘ the atomic weapon will fall on many earthly cities , unless simple thieves deliver humanity from woe.”’

That’s the first part of such a quatrain.

Aligning Roman’s 16:19 and 1st Corinthians 14:20 .


Now hear the second part.

Nostradamus continues such a quatrain in this light.

“‘The enemy of Christian triumph in such a subject is worldly devilish intellect .”’

Aligning modern technology , revelation 16:13-14 , 1st Corinthians 10:20-21,,and Ecclesiastes 7:29.

“‘For faculties human failures at such a time in human history, require senses anew.”’”’

In connection to revelation 21:1-3 obviously.

Meaning a new heavens and new earth are soon going to appear on earth in connection to 2nd Esdras 7:29-32 and 2nd Peter 3:7-17, due to the fact mankind has taken iniquities way too far regarding modern inventions presently in this present formation of this existence.

This is a matter explained properly in other words , here.


And on that note?

What does Christianity’s All Divine Holy Ghost say in c2q46 of Nostradamus’s prophesies to humans in this life on that note?

Obviously that means revelation 21:1-3 is not the end of mortal time in this existence.

It’s the beginning of what psalm 149:5-9 warns humanity of in this life.

Regarding the final 300 years of this existence.


In his prophesies in a variety of places Nostradamus gives mention of great changes coming to earth in this life.

Where everything on earth will look different.

Connected to 1st Corinthians 6:1-3.

And Jude 1:14.

For the final 300 years of this existence.

When evil spirits who walked with humans over the last 300 years on earth in connection to 2nd Corinthians 11:12-15 will be recreated with powers still but become partially mortal with all humans who mocked christs instructions through modern inventions in this life.

When James Donnelly junior causes his blood to be reborn on the earth in this life.

As 2nd Enoch 33:1-12 warn humans by my words.

Before eternity commences.

When a new heavens and new earth appear, 

For the final 300 years of this specific existence.

A regeneration in many generations will occur.


All humans who participated in modern technology over the last three hundred years be be reborn with evil spirits to relive their mortal lives in this life.

Before eternity commences for all humanity in this life.

And it will be initiated by the thieves that stole numerous forms of plutonium neptunium and uranium from these nuclear facilities in Canada and America soon.

Which aligns with 2nd Peter 3:7-17 and what I address to all humans here.




Over and out.

To all.

On that note.

Pure and simple.


I summarize relevant facts to this life.

Because it’s the logical thing to do.

If people don’t summarize facts in this life properly?

It leads to deceit.

Such as this.

Addressed below.

For example.

What you are about to read?

It’s factual.

In this existence.

I prove it is by way of references.

Just check my facts.

You’ll see.


On Sat, Jun 10, 2023 at 1:18 AM coelus james <wrote:

C7q65. Nostradamus.  

The exact wording of the quatrain is as follows.

🌈🌈🌈Where ivory towers meet the eastern sea young trees of knowledge will fall,crushed by the vine of a red rose, with flying serpents coiled in their heads.🌈🌈🌈

Nostradamus was right on the money.

In alignment to 2nd Peter 1:19-21.

Yet how did Nostradamus know that flying machines would do it?

If Nostradamus never saw a jet ?

Good question.


On Sat, Jun 10, 2023 at 1:12 AM coelus james <coeluswrote:

Where is the eastern sea board?

Exactly .

The towers bordered the eastern sea. 

Exactly  as Nostradamus said.

On Sat, Jun 10, 2023 at 1:04 AM coelus james <coelus wrote:


The following is factual.

The question is ‘why’ is it factual? In this life?

In 1993   Or 1992 , I can’t remember what year, when I was a young teenager I took a bus to New York City. From southwestern Ontario. With a brief stop in buffalo. I walked around for about ten minutes One thing that surprised me?

The three people I met??

They all asked me if I wanted to buy some heroin.

After ten minutes of that?

I had had enough.

So I said to myself, ‘ if everyone in buffalo is on heroin?

I’m going back to the bus station and just wait til my bus is ready to take me to Manhattan.

And I did.

Something else surprised me too.

I didn’t know the ride from buffalo was 8 hours by bus to New York City too.

Got no sleep.

During the whole bus ride from Ontario to New York NY.

But it didn’t matter.

When I 

I arrived in New York City. ?

It was like a burst of energy.

It was like I was on three hits of California sunshine lsd.

I exploded out of the gate of the bus station at grand central station. .

So to speak.

And I loved it.

Saw everything.

Except Harlem.

The bus driver for the red apple tour buses in New York ?

I asked him if we would go to Harlem too?

He gave me a funny look .

And then said ‘’ o yes,.’’

But he lied.

That was the only place we didn’t go.

Very strange.

One final note.

I got into Manhattan a day after the first bombing of the WTC.

So… I wasn’t allowed into the World Trade Center buildings.

Because it was on high alert.

And the Empire State Building was only allowing tours to the 75th floor for that reason too.

Why is that mentioned?


24 hours before 9, 11 occurred?

A day before?


I had a vivid dream of jets crashing into the World Trade Center buildings .


I always thought it was a little strange that unintentionally I would make my only appearance in New York City right at the time of the first bombing.

And then, about 8 years later have that vivid vision of the towers being destroyed.

Why did God give me that vision 24 hours before it happened?

What was I to do?

Call the United States embassy and tell them I had a vision that jets were going to destroy the towers in 24 hours?

They would have laughed at me.

And with only 24 hours to explain this vision I had?

On September 10th 2001?

How was I to deal with that?

Very strange indeed.


But it happened .

And it happened for real.

Just like a prophet named Nostradamus said it would.

Around 400 years before such a date.

It’s clear a group called the illuminiti seized 50 of Nostradamus’s quatrains and hold them from humanity til just recently.

On that note.

And recently gave those quatrains to various Hollywood officials.

See a program that recently aired in Hollywood entitled

First wave.

Starting Sebastian Spence.

The question is why did the illuminiti do that?

Century seven quatrain 65 of the quatrains of Nostradamus ?

‘’’ where ivory towers meet the eastern sea board, young trees of knowledge will fall crushed by the thorn of a red rose.’’’

Exactly as Nostradamus said it would occur.

That’s how it happened.

And it did.

As I explain with facts here.


Truth is stranger then fiction in this life.,

That’s obvious.


Because people don’t listen to truth in this life.

Til it’s usually too late to heed truth.

That’s obvious too.


Pure and simple.

On Sat, Jun 10, 2023 at 1:18 AM coelus wrote:

C7q65. Nostradamus.  

The exact wording of the quatrain is as follows.

🌈🌈🌈Where ivory towers meet the eastern sea young trees of knowledge will fall,crushed by the vine of a red rose, with flying serpents coiled in their heads.🌈🌈🌈

Nostradamus was right on the money.

In alignment to 2nd Peter 1:19-21.

Yet how did Nostradamus know that flying machines would do it?

If Nostradamus never saw a jet ?

Good question.


On Sat, Jun 10, 2023 at 1:12 AM coelus wrote:

Where is the eastern sea board?

Exactly .

The towers bordered the eastern sea. 

Exactly  as Nostradamus said.

On Sat, Jun 10, 2023 at 1:04 AM coelus wrote:


The following is factual.

The question is ‘why’ is it factual? In this life?

In 1993   Or 1992 , I can’t remember what year, I took a bus to New York City. From southwestern Ontario. With a brief stop in buffalo. I walked around for about ten minutes One thing that surprised me?

The three people I met??

They all asked me if I wanted to buy some heroin.

After ten minutes of that?

I had had enough.

So I said to myself, ‘ if everyone in buffalo is on heroin?

I’m going back to the bus station and just wait til my bus is ready to take me to Manhattan.

And I did.

Something else surprised me too.

I didn’t know the ride from buffalo was 8 hours by bus to New York City too.

Got no sleep.

During the whole bus ride from Ontario to New York NY.

But it didn’t matter.

When I 

I arrived in New York City. ?

It was like a burst of energy.

It was like I was on three hits of California sunshine lsd.

I exploded out of the gate of the bus station at grand central station. .

So to speak.

And I loved it.

Saw everything.

Except Harlem.

The bus driver for the red apple tour buses in New York ?

I asked him if we would go to Harlem too?

He gave me a funny look .

And then said ‘’ o yes,.’’

But he lied.

That was the only place we didn’t go.

Very strange.

One final note.

I got into Manhattan a day after the first bombing of the WTC.

So… I wasn’t allowed into the World Trade Center buildings.

Because it was on high alert.

And the Empire State Building was only allowing tours to the 75th floor for that reason too.

Why is that mentioned?


24 hours before 9, 11 occurred?

A day before?


I had a vivid dream of jets crashing into the World Trade Center buildings .


I always thought it was a little strange that unintentionally I would make my only appearance in New York City right at the time of the first bombing.

And then, about 8 years later have that vivid vision of the towers being destroyed.

Why did God give me that vision 24 hours before it happened?

What was I to do?

Call the United States embassy and tell them I had a vision that jets were going to destroy the towers in 24 hours?

They would have laughed at me.

And with only 24 hours to explain this vision I had?

On September 10th 2001?

How was I to deal with that?

Very strange indeed.


But it happened .

And it happened for real.

Just like a prophet named Nostradamus said it would.

Around 400 years before such a date.

It’s clear a group called the illuminiti seized 50 of Nostradamus’s quatrains and hold them from humanity til just recently.

On that note.

And recently gave those quatrains to various Hollywood officials.

See a program that recently aired in Hollywood entitled

First wave.

Starting Sebastian Spence.

The question is why did the illuminiti do that?

Century seven quatrain 65 of the quatrains of Nostradamus ?

‘’’ where ivory towers meet the eastern sea board, young trees of knowledge will fall crushed by the thorn of a red rose.’’’

Exactly as Nostradamus said it would occur.

That’s how it happened.

And it did.

As I explain with facts here.


Truth is stranger then fiction in this life.,

That’s obvious.


Because people don’t listen to truth in this life.

Til it’s usually too late to heed truth.

That’s obvious too.


Pure and simple.I 

First off? Regarding the following blog website? First off? First and foremost? On this video here? First off? I'm gonna say something. ...